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UCC Regina announces school-board-approved Holodomor Writing Competition

submitted by Naomi Lee



This year, 2008, marks the 75th anniversary of the Holodomor: Famine-Genocide, which took place in Ukraine 1932-1933. During that period of Soviet occupation under Stalin's rule, millions of Ukrainian men, women and children starved to death. The objective of the Holodomor was to destroy the Ukrainian national consciousness and to quash the aspirations of the Ukrainian people for independence.

As one of the most devastating yet least understood tragedies of the 20th century, it largely remains unknown to the general public. The victims deserve a place in history and in our memory. Canada became home to a number of famine survivors after the Second World War, and although this generation is passing away, their children still carry the memory of their parents’ nightmares.

The writing competition presents an opportunity for students to write about the Holodomor in order to help raise public awareness.


Based on historical facts of the 1932-1933 Holodomor of Ukraine, you may choose to write in any of the following categories:

  • Historical short fiction
  • Historical research essay
  • Newspaper article
  • Newspaper editorial
  • Poetry
  • Interview/biography with survivor


First prize $500

Second prize $200

10 prizes of $100

Winning entries as well as honourable mentions may be published in Ukrainian/English newspapers, magazines, web sites


  • Language: English or Ukrainian
  • Length: 1000 – 2500 words for manuscripts and 400 – 800 for poems
  • Printed on one side of 8 1/2 x 11 white paper, 1” margins
  • Electronic or diskette submissions will NOT be accepted
  • Spacing: Double for essays, single for poetry
  • Page number and title/keyword must appear at the top of each page
  • Submit two copies
  • Your name should NOT appear anywhere on the manuscript or poem, as judging will be anonymous


  • Age category: 14 to 19 years of age
  • Must be a resident of Canada
  • Entries must be received/postmarked no later than Nov 10, 2008
  • Must include rough copies/outlines from inception to final submission
  • Entries must be originals, unpublished and not be considered elsewhere at the time of submission
  • Research essays must include footnotes and bibliography
  • Entries will not be returned
  • One entry per competitor

Competition Release form

  • must be completed, including parental/ guardian signature
  • All entries will be judged anonymously (name of student will not be known)
  • Decision of judges will be final

Submission must include a signed copy of the attached release form as well as a cover letter with the following information: Title, category, full name, address, phone number, name of attending school and current grade.

Send to

Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Regina Branch
PO Box 4032
Regina, Sask S4P3R9