This term is often used to describe Ukrainian Pre-School
or Nursery School. Weekly schedules, location, type of program and
teacher qualifications are varied. These programs are extremely
important, because they establish meaningful connections to the
Ukrainian community for many young families with children. They
also help parents to understand the benefits of having their children
educated and nurtured in a caring, Ukrainian cultural environment.
Click here
for a list and addresses of Sadochoks around the province.
Bilingual Program
A K-12 Ukrainian-English Bilingual Program (the only
Ukrainian bilingual program in Saskatchewan) is available in two
schools in Saskatoon. It is open to everyone – prospective
students don’t need to speak Ukrainian or be of Ukrainian
heritage. The program, which began in 1979, uses a co-operative
approach that involves the school, home, church and community. The
goals are for students to become functionally bilingual and to develop
an understanding and appreciation of the Ukrainian Byzantine Church
tradition and of Ukrainian-Canadian culture and heritage. Click
for a list and addresses of schools which offer a bilingual program.
Core Programs
A Core language program simply means that Ukrainian
is taught as a school subject, much like Social Studies or Science.
In Grades 10-12, students may receive provincial credits for their
language achievement. Sometimes, arrangements are made to have the
credit courses taught after school hours or during the summer. Qualified
teachers and the appropriate number of hours of instruction must
be available, as specified by provincial education departments.
Click here
for a list and addresses of schools which offer a core program.
University-level Ukrainian Studies Programs
Currently, the Department of Languages and Linguistics,
College of Arts and Sciences as well as St. Thomas More College
at the University of Saskatchewan offer instruction in the core
area of Ukrainian language, culture and civilization.
The Department of Languages and Linguistics offers programs in
Ukrainian/Linguistics, Ukrainian/Comparative Literature and Ukrainian
Area Studies, as well as Recognition in Ukrainian. Click here
for program details.
In addition to courses on Ukrainian Folklore and Ukrainian Culture
in Canada, St. Thomas More College offers U of S students an eight-week
study session at Ternopil National University in Ternopil. Click
for details on current academic programs and special offerings.
The Prairie
Centre for the Study of Ukrainian Heritage actively assists
the college in the fields of Ukrainian Studies at the U of S.
Language Schools
These Ukrainian programs, comprised of some instruction
in language, culture, history and spirituality, take place once
a week outside of regular school hours. It is an added commitment
to each family's schedule, much like music lessons, dance lessons
or other after-school activities. Click here
for a list and addresses of language schools around Saskatchewan.
Summer Camps
A number of Ukrainian camps take place each summer
at Saskatchewan’s beautiful lakes and parks for children of all
ages -- even for older teens, young adults and families. Sponsored
by church-based organizations, these camps often have themes giving
campers the chance to learn about their Ukrainian heritage while
basking in nature’s glory.
There is also a five-week immersion program that offers
high school credit language classes and reinforces classroom learning
with a full slate of cultural and extracurricular activity.
Click here
for a list and addresses of summer camps held around Saskatchewan.
Adult Language Programs
Adults programs comprise university-level, non-credit
conversational and language classes during the school year and a
weekend camp offering adults a Ukrainian language immersion experience
during the summer.
Click here
for a list and addresses of adult language programs held around
The provincial education Ministry is responsible for
all K-12 credit and non-credit Ukrainian language programs in Saskatchewan.
This includes programs offered through the regular school day as
well as those offered by ethnocultural organizations through out-of-school
heritage language classes. The Ukrainian
Education Portal of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education provides
a complete listing of provincial programs, curricula, resources
and supporting organizations.
UCC-SPC is a strong supporter
and advocate for Ukrainian language and other education. This area
of our website is designed to provide educators, students and all
interested visitors with links to useful Ukrainian educational tools.
- the main goal of this site is to present information concerning
education in Ukraine and abroad for prospective international students
interested in study in Ukraine. [English / Ukrainian]
as a Foreign Language - is a free online course for beginner
learners of Ukrainian. It offers eleven lessons containing basic
vocabulary and grammar. You do not need to know any Ukrainian to
take this course successfully. It is fairly short to spare the need
for planning a language course far ahead of your trip to Ukraine
but nonetheless it provides a comprehensive overview of Ukrainian
language basics. We have in particular elaborated on essential language
elements that are alien to the English language structure and therefore
harder for beginners to understand. Whenever appropriate, similarities
in other languages (German, French, Russian, etc.) are pointed out.
[English / Ukrainian]
Power - educational, children's products.Children will love
learning Ukrainian from their friends in Alphabet Village, an enchanted
place where letters grow on trees and the river flows with alphabet
soup. Through songs, games and entertaining techniques, Boomchyk
Borovyk and Pani Vera teach Natalka, Yurko and Maksym their alphabet,
how to count, the days of the week and months of the year in Volumes
1, 2, 3 and 4. Milya, the lovely English-speaking host, pops in
throughout the videos and provides encouragement and explanations
of the on-screen activities. Closed captioning is also provided
in English. [English]
out this web site by Serhiy Synylo from Kharkiv, Ukraine which
contains a number of useful tools for learning Ukrainian. [English]
Abetka features illustrated alphabets, fairy tales and stories,
readers, jokes, folk sayings, tongue twisters, riddles, and games.
University of Saskatchewan Ukrainian Studies

This UCC-SPC program supports Ukrainian language learning in high
school and at the University of Saskatchewan. Three book prizes
are awarded as described below:
The UCC-SPC University Entrance Award
The UCC-SPC has established an entrance award for students who
have completed Grade Twelve in Saskatchewan. Students who apply
must be planning to register, or be registered, in a full course
of studies in any college at the University of Saskatchewan and
they must register, or be registered, in at least one Ukrainian
course (language, literature, civilization). One award will be granted
each year. In the current year the award consists of the two-volume
set of UKRAINE: A Concise Encyclopedia. (Approximate value: $200)
The UCC-SPC Leon Wowk Memorial University Undergraduate Award
The UCC-SPC has established a memorial undergraduate award for
students who have successfully completed at least one full year
of university studies in Saskatchewan, who are registered in at
least one Ukrainian course, and who are enrolled in a full course
of studies in any college at the University of Saskatchewan. One
award will be granted each year. In the current year the award consists
of the two-volume set of UKRAINE: A Concise Encyclopedia. (Approximate
value: $200)
The UCC-SPC Ukrainian Studies Award
The UCC-SPC has established a Ukrainian Studies award for students
who are entering their third year of a Ukrainian Studies program
in the College of Arts and Science at the University of Saskatchewan.
To be eligible, students must enrol in a full program of study and
must be registered in at least one advanced Ukrainian course. One
award will be granted each year. Application for this award is in
the form of a comprehensive letter, addressed to the Department.
An official transcript of marks must accompany the letter. In the
current year the award consists of the five-volume set of THE ENCYCLOPEDIA
OF UKRAINE. (Approximate value: $750)
Selection is on the basis of academic achievement; the decision
of the selection committee is final.
Applicants must submit a complete application by October 15 of
the year in which the award is being made, to the Department of
Languages and Linguistics.
Successful applicants only will be notified by letter.
from: The Department of Languages and Linguistics
517 Arts Building
9 Campus Drive
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A5
Awards for Continuing Students
Scholarships are available to continuing students in Arts &
Science taking at least one course in Ukrainian Studies at the University
of Saskatchewan. To get details, click here
- In the new window, under "Category" select "Arts
& Science" and click the "Display Scholarships"
- In the new pop-up window, scroll down to "Ukrainian"
and click the corresponding link.
A similar list of Awards & Scholarships in Ukrainian (Languages
& Linguistics) is also available here.
Anna Maria Kowcz-Baran Ukrainian Scholarship for
Grade 9 students
These annual scholarships are offered to Grade 9 students of Ukrainian
in the province of Saskatchewan. Sponsored by the Ukrainian Catholic
Council of Saskatchewan, these scholarships are awarded to Grade
9 students who achieve good academic standing in Ukrainian language
study and meet all other requirements. Four categories in which
scholarships are offered are: bilingual program; core program; correspondence
course; and, summer immersion. Deadline for application is October
1. For further information and application forms, please write to
the following address:
Anna Maria Kowcz-Baran Scholarship Fund
c/o Saskatchewan Teachers of Ukrainian
Holy Family School
125 105th Street West
Saskatoon, SK S7N 1N3
University of Regina
Eli and Rose Zalusky Ukrainian Language Award

Rose and Eli Zalusky
This endowed award was established in 2000 with a bequest from
the estates of Eli Zalusky and Rose Zalusky. The Eli and Rose Zalusky
Ukrainian Language Award fulfills the wish of Mr. and Mrs. Zalusky
that the Ukrainian language continue to flourish and be passed on
from one generation to the next.
Award |
$2,000 annually. |
Eligibility |
The Eli and Rose Zalusky Ukrainian Language
Award is made available to full-time graduate and undergraduate
students at the University of Regina who are enrolled in a
Ukrainian Language course. Preference will be given to students
who reside in the City of Regina. The award is open to students
enrolled in either a credit or a non-credit Ukrainian language
course at the University of Regina, although preference will
be given to students who are enrolled in a credit course.
If no classes in the Ukrainian language are offered at the
University of Regina in any given semester, the administrator
of the award will consider the following, in this order:
- University of Regina student enrolled in a Ukrainian
language course for credit at the University of Saskatchewan,
- University of Regina student enrolled in a Ukrainian language
course for credit at the University of Alberta or the University
of Manitoba,
- University of Regina student enrolled in a Ukrainian language
course for credit at any other accredited post-secondary
institution in Canada,
- University of Regina student enrolled in a Ukrainian language
course for non-credit in any of the above,
- University of Regina student enrolled in a Ukrainian language
course at an accredited post-secondary institution in Ukraine.
Application |
Eli and Rose Zalusky Ukrainian Language
Award application forms are available from the Financial Aid
Office. Applications are to be submitted by June 1 to the Financial
Aid, Scholarships and Awards Office (University of Regina, University
Centre 229, Regina, SK S4S 0A2). |
Selection |
Financial Aid and Awards Office will determine
the recipient based on the eligibility criteria. |
The Saskatchewan
Teachers of Ukrainian is a professional organization for teachers
and all others who are involved in Ukrainian Language education.
In addition to promoting and advancing the teaching of the Ukrainian
language within an educational framework in Saskatchewan, the STU
provides professional development opportunities through seminars,
meetings and an annual conference. As a special subjects council
of the Saskatchewan Teachers Federation, it acts in an advisory
capacity to the STF on issues related to education. Finally, it
maintains contact with speakers of Ukrainian in other countries
in order to provide language and cultural enrichment opportunities.