Location: Organization

UCC-SPC Annual Report (for 2009) PDF

Presented at the Annual General Meeting 13 March 2010 in Regina, the 36-page report

  • outlines activities of the Ukrainian community throughout the province in 2009
  • includes a list of projects financially supported by UCC-SPC's Community Development Fund and a 10-page auditor's report.
  • Who is the UCC-SPC?

    The Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Saskatchewan Provincial Council (UCC-SPC) is an inclusive, self-sustaining, vibrant organization that serves the Saskatchewan Ukrainian community to maintain, develop and share its Ukrainian Canadian identity, culture and aspirations. The mission of UCC-SPC is to:

    • represent and serve the Saskatchewan Ukrainian community;
    • adhere to democratic principles and provide strong leadership;
    • promote sustainable organizational development;
    • communicate effectively with membership and stakeholders;
    • contribute to the enhancement of cultural diversity in Saskatchewan;
    • maximize the capacity of the Ukrainian community to maintain, develop and share its identity, culture and aspirations;
    • ensure UCC-SPC financial viability; and
    • encourage innovation and creativity.

    Mandate and Objectives

    • to act as an authoritative representative for the Ukrainian Canadian community before the people and government of Saskatchewan
    • to strengthen and coordinate the participation of Ukrainian Canadians in the social and cultural life of Saskatchewan based on principles of justice, freedom and independence
    • to promote the development of friendly and mutually beneficial relations between Saskatchewan and Ukraine
    • to lend support to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress towards its goal of assisting Ukraine in building an independent, united, democratic state
    • to plan and develop among Ukrainian Canadians in Saskatchewan sound community life in all its aspects
    • to assist in the preservation and development of Ukrainian culture in Saskatchewan

    UCC-SPC General Operating By-Law (PDF)



    Not yet completed. Check back later.

    Click here for the list of past executives.


    Directors, Branches and Representatives

    UCC-SPC Board of Directors

    President Ed Lysyk (Regina)
    Vice-President Slawko Kindrachuk (Saskatoon)
    Secretary Vera Feduschak (Regina)
    Treasurer Larry Balion (Saskatoon)
    Past President Eugene Krenosky (Regina)


    Directors at Large
    Peter A. Abrametz (Prince Albert)
    Orest Gawdyda (Regina)
    Cathy Schabel (Saskatoon)
    MaryAnn Trischuk (Yorkton)


    Directors - Branch Presidents

    Paul Kardynal (Battlefords Ukrainian Canadian Cultural Council)

    Taras Korol (UCC Canora)
    Elmer Malec (Veselka Prince Albert & District Ukrainian Culture & Heritage Club)
    (306) 763-2396
    Orest Warnyca (UCC Regina)
    Slawko Kindrachuk (UCC Saskatoon)
    Merle Maximiuk (UCC Yorkton)
    Stan Ganczar (Weyburn & District Ukrainian Canadian Cultural Council)



    Battlefords Canora Prince Albert Regina
    Saskatoon Weyburn Yorkton


    UCC-SPC Representatives

    UCC-SPC has the privilege of appointing Senators to the two provincial universities. Currently, these are:

    Orest Warnyca of Regina (University of Regina)
    Ph: 306-584-0501

    Dr. William Gulka of Saskatoon (University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon)
    Ph: 306-382-0242



    Executive Director --

    Administrative Assistant --

    Immigration Settlement Advisor --

    Communications & IT Director --

    Immigrant Settlement Advisor --

    Translation & Interpretation Services Coordinator --

    Ukrainian Dance Consultant --

    Bookkeeper -- Valentyna Mahina

    Ukrainian Canadian Congress
    Saskatchewan Provincial Council
    1219 8th Street East
    Saskatoon, SK S7H 0S5
    Telephone: 306-652-5850
    Toll-Free in Saskatchewan: 1-888-652-5850
    Fax: 306-665-2127


    Click here for a list of past UCC-SPC staff!


    UCC-SPC Membership

    The membership of UCC-SPC is made up of a combination of organizations that in some localities have united into UCC branches along with freestanding organizations linked to UCC-SPC through their national organizations that enter into UCC National.

    The following chart shows UCC-SPC organizational relationships:

    Members derive benefit by having access to the services and programs provided by the UCC-SPC. As the UCC-SPC is only the sum of its parts, groups and individuals see it as their responsibility to support the UCC-SPC and enable it to work for the benefit of the entire Ukrainian Canadian population of the province.

    UCC-SPC estimates that at least 13,500 members of Saskatchewan’s 121,000 strong Ukrainian-Canadian community participate in the organizations that are represented by the UCC-SPC. Tens of thousands of others participate through informal and less structured groups that encompass dance, education, culture, heritage, seniors clubs and church organizations or as members of the general public enjoying the benefits of the Ukrainian contribution to the developing Saskatchewan cultural scene.

    List of UCC-SPC Member Organizations


    Grants and Funding

    UCC-SPC Community Development Fund

    This program serves as the UCC-SPC's member funding mechanism.
    (List of recipients in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006), 2007)

    Articles for Visnyk.

    Complete text / photos for projects in 2005.

    The CDF was designed to allow community groups and individuals the opportunity to put SaskLotteries money to use strategically in a manner best suited to their own local needs. For many grassroots groups a seemingly modest grant can be the catalyst for a remarkable amount of activity and for long-lasting results. The terms of reference have been consciously kept wide so as to encourage groups to develop projects that meet their specific needs.

    Any resident of Saskatchewan or community group, regardless of membership or association with the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, may apply for the CDF. The UCC-SPC Board reviews and votes on applications and funding allocations.

    Only applications for support of uncompleted projects are accepted. Funds are released only upon successful completion of the project, submission of a final project financial statement and narrative written report. The reports are usually reproduced in the UCC-SPC magazine, Visnyk.

    For an application form click here for Portable Document Format (70KB). Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded free here or contact the UCC-SPC office at 306-652-5850.

    There are four deadlines for applications each year: February 1, May 1, September 1 and November 1.

    Note that grants are normally not greater than $500. Groups and individuals with larger projects are encouraged to discuss the proposal ahead of time with the UCC-SPC Executive Director.

    The CDF has been providing financial assistance to member groups, individuals and non-profit organizations since 1994. In recent years, UCC-SPC has provided more than $100,000 in CDF grants to worthy projects promoting Ukrainian culture.

    Recognizing the funders of projects receiving CDF grants. (Download UCC-SPC and Saskatchewan Lotteries logos.)

    Ukrainian Canadian Foundation of Taras Shevchenko


    The UCC-SPC has a modest program that supports Ukrainian language learning in high school and at the University of Saskatchewan. A total of three book prizes (approximate value of $300 each) are awarded. The Department of Languages and Linguistics at the U of S makes the decision as to who receives the awards according to its own standards.

    There are also a variety of scholarships encouraging Ukrainian education that are available from a number of other sources in the province.

    Detailed scholarship information is located here.

    Funding Agencies
    1. Canadian Heritage Grant

      "Canadian Heritage is responsible for national policies and programs that promote Canadian content, foster cultural participation, active citizenship and participation in Canada's civic life, and strengthen connections among Canadians."

      Multiculturalism Program

      What is Multiculturalism?

      "Canadian multiculturalism is fundamental to our belief that all citizens are equal. Multiculturalism ensures that all citizens can keep their identities, can take pride in their ancestry and have a sense of belonging. Acceptance gives Canadians a feeling of security and self-confidence, making them more open to, and accepting of, diverse cultures. The Canadian experience has shown that multiculturalism encourages racial and ethnic harmony and cross-cultural understanding, and discourages ghettoization, hatred, discrimination and violence.

      Through multiculturalism, Canada recognizes the potential of all Canadians, encouraging them to integrate into their society and take an active part in its social, cultural, economic and political affairs."

    2. SaskCulture Grant

      UCC-SPC is a member of SaskCulture, which also provides grants through the Multicultural Initiatives Fund (MIF). MIF is designed to channel lottery funds to Saskatchewan multicultural organizations.

      UCC-SPC can help your organization prepare MIF application forms, provide initial consultations to help develop your idea and to review your application in order to improve its chances of receiving a grant.

      For further information about MIF grants, deadlines and application forms, contact:
      SaskCulture Inc.

    600-2220 12th Street
    Regina, SK S4P 0M6
    Telephone: 306-780-9284
    Fax: 306-780-9252



    The Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Saskatchewan Provincial Council provides an opportunity to invest in the vitality, diversity and growth of Saskatchewan’s Ukrainian community. From Ukrainian dance and language programs to summer camps, seniors programs and the promotion of links between Saskatchewan and Ukraine, your financial support will help ensure the labours and efforts of past generations of Ukrainian Canadians continue.

    We ask that you take the time to complete the donation form and send it with your contribution. Donations of 25$ and more will be issued official tax receipts. Please make cheques payable to: Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Saskatchewan Provincial Council.
