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Ukraine: A Musical Tribute -- Competition for Composers

March 22, 2008 (Updated July 13, 2008) -- Theme: Holodomor (famine/genocide in Ukraine 1932-33)

Sponsored by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress -- Hamilton Branch

$1000 Prize

Mission Statement: To raise awareness of the Holodomor through the creation of original music by amateur composers. Winning composition will be premiered during Holodomor commemorations November 2008.

Composition must be for solo instrument, with or without accompaniment, between 3 and 10 minutes in length

Deadline September 30, 2008

Details: umtcyc@yahoo.ca

Web-sites about the Holodomor:

  • www.lucorg.com
  • www.holodomor.org
  • www.holodomor.org.uk
  • www.infoukes.com/history/famine
  • www.artukraine.com/famineart
  • www.faminegenocide.com

Rules and Regulations, Application Form (PDF)