Location: Organization / Saskatoon
Saskatoon UCC Branch

Sponsors of


<<Immigrant Settlement Program News Here>>

<<English as a Second Language Program News Here>>

Ðåºñòðàö³ÿ äî 2011 Stage 1 English


20 ãðóäíÿ, 2010 ð. -- Êîíãðåñ Óêðà¿íö³â Êàíàäè - Ñàñêàòóíñüêèé ³ää³ë ïðîïîíóº êëàñè ïî âèâ÷åííþ àíãë³éñüêî¿ ìîâè ââå÷åð³ ó ðîáî÷³ äí³ òà ñóáîòó ó ï³âí³÷íèõ ðàéîíàõ Ñàñêàòóíó: Lawson Heights, River Heights òà Silverwood. Äåòàë³

2011 Stage 1 English Registration


December 20, 2010 -- Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Saskatoon Branch offers evening and weekend classes in the north Saskatoon neighbourhoods of Lawson Heights, River Heights and Silverwood. Details

Study English at UCC Saskatoon this Fall


August 5, 2010 -- Stage 1 English classes are more than just the opportunity to learn a new language. Students also participate in activities that help them with their settlement needs. They study practical topics such as health, banking, employment, shopping, leisure activities for families and transportation. Details

UCC-SB Elects Board of Directors

March 31, 2010 -- The Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Saskatoon Branch elected its Board of Directors for the year 2010-11 at its Annual General Meeting held March 29, 2010.
   The Board will be lead by incumbent president Slawko Kindrachuk. Incumbent Board members are Audrey Langhorst, Larry Balion and Al Kachkowski. Re-elected are Christine Chayka, Matthew Paslawski and Lisa Sawitsky. New Board members are Marlene Bodnar, Mykola Karnaukh and Bev Klimchuk.

Annual Shevchenko Concert honouring Ukraine's Greatest Poet...


February 1, 2010 -- ... will be held on Sunday, March 14, 2:00 PM at St. George's Seniors Centre (1235 20th St W, Saskatoon). This program is sponsored by the UCC Saskatoon Branch. Coffee and refreshments will follow the concert. Admission by free-will offering.
   We invite individuals, duets, small or large groups to perform songs verses or prose by or about Taras Shevchenko. Please submit your program items to Cec Kachkowski, Program Coordinator 374-7675.

ESL/EAL Classes to Resume in January


December 22, 2009 -- English as a Second Language/English as an Additional Language classes resume in January 2010. Evening classes will continue Tuesday, January 5th at Bishop James Mahoney High School at 7:00 p.m. Saturday students return to class on January 16th at Mohyla Institute starting at 10:00 a.m. Details

UCC Saskatoon Branch Hires Immigration Services Coordinator

November 13, 2009 -- The UCC Saskatoon Branch Board of Directors is pleased to announce the hiring of Nadya Neshcheretna as our Immigration Services Coordinator. We welcome Nadya to our UCC-SB Immigration staff where she will be responsible for settlement and integration programs and projects. More

Employment Opportunity: UCC-SB Immigration Program Coordinator

August 24, 2009 -- UCC - Saskatoon Branch seeks applications for the full/part time position of Immigration Services Coordinator. The successful candidate will play an important role in UCC-SB settlement and integration projects. This person will be organized, self-motivated and comfortable working under pressure. This is a term position from September 2009 to March 2010 with possibility of extension based upon performance and governmental funding. Deadline September 8. Details (PDF)

Monuments of Taras Shevchenko: Photo Display and Reception

August 6, 2009 -- You are invited to see a world-class exhibition of colour photographs of monuments of TARAS SHEVCHENKO by RUSLAN TELIPSKYI (Lutsk, Ukraine) at Ilarion Residence 2509 Louise Street, Saskatoon on Tuesday, August 11th, 2009 4:00-7:30 PM. Free admission. Sponsored by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress -- Saskatoon Branch and the Ilarion Residence. Details

New Executive Elected at AGM

UCC Saskatoon held its Annual General Meeting on March 30 and is pleased to announce its new executive: President - Slawko Kindrachuk; Past President - Paul Bunka; Secretary - Audrey Langhorst; Treasurer - Larry Balion; Communication/Membership - Al Kachkowski/Karen Malanowich; Members - Laurianne Gabruch, Matthew Paslawski, Christine Chayka, Karen Pidskalny.

UCC Annual General Meeting
Monday, March 30, 2009 at 7 PM, St. Petro Mohyla Institute (1240 Temperance St)

Registration Date Set for UCC-SB Spring Session ESL Classes
Ðåºñòðàö³ÿ íà âåñíÿí³ êóðñè àíãë³éñüêî¿ ìîâè 2009 ð.

Date/Äàòà: Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Place/̳ñöå: Lawson Heights School, 430 Redberry Road, Saskatoon
Time/×àñ: 7–9 PM (19:00-21:00).
   Áóäü-ëàñêà ïðèõîäüòå íå ï³çí³øå 19:00. ³äðàçó ï³ñëÿ ðåºñòðàö³¿ â³äáóäåòüñÿ îö³íþâàííÿ Âàøî¿ àíãë³éñüêî¿ ìîâè äëÿ âèçíà÷åííÿ Âàøîãî ð³âíÿ (òðèâàòèìå ïðèáëèçíî 1.5 ãîä.). Çàïèñ íà êóðñè îáìåæåíèé ê³ëüê³ñòþ â³ëüíèõ ì³ñöü. Äîãëÿä çà ä³òüìè äëÿ áàòüê³â, ÿê³ â³äâ³äóâàòèìóòü ðåºñòðàö³þ òà îö³íþâàííÿ, áóäå çàáåçïå÷åíèé.
   New immigrants interested in taking English as a Second Language (ESL) classes are invited to come out and register.
   It is very important to attend registration/assessment night as enrollment numbers will determine how many classes UCC-SB will be able to offer. Students will not be allowed to attend classes prior to assessment. Also, since class size is limited to 20 students, late registrants will need to go a waiting list.
   For more information about ESL classes, please call 244-8227 and ask for Irene Pylypec or Valentyna Mahina.

Saskatoon Holodomor Commemoration


December 12, 2008 -- On Saturday, November 22, members of Saskatoon’s Ukrainian community marked the 75th anniversary of the tragic Holodomor/Genocide in Ukraine. Over 100 people gathered at the Memorial Gates of the University of Saskatchewan at 2 pm and formed a procession that made its way to St. Thomas More College. UCC-SB media release

Fun and Educational Health Care Night at UCC-SB ESL/EAL


December 4, 2008 -- Marion Graham Collegiate kindly offered alternate classroom space for our use as our usual space was unavailable the evening of Thursday, November 27th. UCC-SB used the opportunity to conduct an informational session on dental care and other health issues. Story

UCC-Saskatoon Workshop (How to Involve Newcomers from Ukraine in the Community)

November 21, 2008 -- Workshop for UCC Saskatoon Member Organizations: How to Involve Newcomers from Ukraine in the Ukrainian Canadian Community Ukrainian Orthodox Church of All Saints Auditorium, 2616 Louise Street. Registration fee: $10 by November 28. To register, phone 244-8227 or email info@ucc-sb-saskatoon.ca. Poster

UCC Saskatoon Holodomor Commemoration

November 12, 2008 -- On November 22, 2008, the public is invited to meet at the University of Saskatchewan memorial gates (on College Avenue, in front of the University Hospital) at 2:00 p.m. From there a procession of all participants will proceed to St. Thomas More College where an interdenominational panakhyda prayer service will take place in the chapel. Following the service, at 3:00 pm a program will be held in the St. Thomas More Auditorium. The commemorative event is open to all. The general public is invited to attend. Admission is free of charge. UCC Saskatoon Media Release (PDF)

Employment Opportunity: Administrative Assistant for UCC-SB's Immigration Program

November 6, 2008 -- The Saskatoon Branch of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress is seeking an Administrative Assistant for its Immigration Program. Details (PDF)

Çàïðîøåííÿ íà êàâó/÷àé
You're invited to a Tea Social

October 23, 2008 -- UCC-SB invites you to a tea social Sunday October 26 at the Lawson Civic Centre Auditorium, 225 Primrose Drive, from 2-4 PM. All immigrants from Ukraine are welcome to come and visit. Meet your friends, meet new arrivals and remain for a brief presentation on Halloween history and traditions.
23 æîâòíÿ 2008 ð. -- Ñàñêàòóíñüêèé ³ää³ë Êîíãðåñó Óêðà¿íö³â Êàíàäè çàïðîøóº Âàñ íà êàâó/÷àé -- íåä³ëÿ, 26 æîâòíÿ 2008 ðîêó ó Lawson Civic Centre Auditorium, 225 Primrose Drive, ç 14:00 ïî 16:00. Çàïðîøóþòüñÿ âñ³ ³ìì³ãðàíòè ç Óêðà¿íè. Âè áóäåòå ìàòè ìîæëèâ³ñòü çóñòð³òè ñâî¿õ äðóç³â, ïîçíàéîìèòèñÿ ç íîâîïðèáóëèìè òà òàêîæ ä³çíàòèñÿ ïðî ³ñòîð³þ ³ òðàäèö³¿ Halloween.

Theresa Sokyrka featured entertainer at Ukraine Day in the Park 2008

August 18, 2008 -- Theresa Sokyrka, now of Toronto, ON, will return to Ukraine Day in the Park as a performer on August 23, 2008. Theresa, 2004 Canadian Idol runner-up, last appeared at Ukraine Day in 2007 when she was still a Canadian Idol contestant. A Ukraine Day record crowd came to see and support Theresa on that day. More

Holodomor: Remembrance Flame in Saskatoon

May 14, 2008 -- The International Holodomor Remembrance Flame arrived in Saskatoon on Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at a ceremony which began at 7 pm at City Hall Square in downtown Saskatoon. More than 200 people attended. Story

Holodomor Torch in Saskatoon: photos

April 30, 2008 -- Photos: Taras Bayda

At left: Saskatoon Mayor Don Atchison. Below: Holodomor survivor Stefan Horlatsch. Below left Demyan Prokopchuk provides background of Holodomor and Remembrance Flame

Holodomor Recognition: Keep the Flame Alive!


April 21, 2008 -- You are invited to participate in ceremonies welcoming the International Holodomor Remembrance Flame as it visits four Saskatchewan communities. The Saskatoon event will be held on Tuesday, April 29th at 7:00 pm in the square beside Saskatoon's city hall. Please notify your family, friends and aquaintances so that a maximum number of people will know about it and have the opportunity to attend. Let us show a strong unified Ukainian community with our attendance on April 29th. The arrangements are made by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Saskatoon Branch. Details

Holodomor Recognition
Torch Run in Saskatchewan: flame to visit Saskatoon April 29


April 18, 2008 -- The International Remembrance Flame wil be in Saskatoon on Tuesday, April 29 at Saskatoon City Hall Square, 7 PM. Hosted by UCC Saskatoon; contact Audrey at 343-6411. Canadian itinerary including details for the flame's visit to four Saskatchewan centres: Details

New UCC-Saskatoon Branch Office Hours
Íîâèé ðîáî÷èé ðîçêëàä îô³ñó Ñàñêàòóíñüêîãî ³ää³ëó ÊÓÊ

April 18, 2007 -- Starting May 1, 2008 Mon-Fri: 9 am - 5 pm Sat-Sun: closed
Ïî÷èíàþ÷è ç 1 òðàâíÿ 2008 ÏÍ-ÏÒ: 9:00 - 17:00 ÑÁ-ÍÄ: âèõ³äí³

Ukraine Day in the Park Volunteer Opportunities


April 7, 2008 -- Three basic levels for volunteer involvement, learning and fun! 1. Planning Committee 2. Sub-committee member 3. Volunteer before and at event. Details

March 9 marks the birth of Taras Shevchenko


February 27, 2008 -- UCC Saskatoon is sponsoring a concert on Sunday, March 9 to pay tribute to Ukraine's Bard, Taras Shevchenko. Details (PDF)

UCC Saskatoon Office Hours

December 28, 2007 -- Mon: 9:00-12:00; 13:00-17:00 (at office all day)
Tue: Closed
Wed: 9:00-12:00; 13:00-18:00 (9-12 trips if necessary, 16-18 at storage facility)
Thu: 14:00-19:00 (at office all day)
Fri: 9:00-12:00; 13:00-18:00 (9-12 at office; 13-18 trips if necessary)
Sat 9:00-12:00; 13:00-17:00 (9-12 at storage facility; 13-17 at office)
Sun: Closed

Resolution of the XXII Triennial UCC Congress on Immigration

November 30, 2007 -- The XXII Triennial UCC Congress adopted a number of resolutions dealing with diverse matters. Below is the resolution on immigration (quoted from UkrNews):
   Connecting People to UCC
   That the UCC Immigration Committe develop methods and strategies to better integrate new immigrants; and consider adopting the UCC-Saskatoon Immigrant Settlement Program as a model for outreach and community development for broader application.

UCC-SB co-sponsors visit of award-winning children's author to Saskatchewan: UCC-SPC's Literatoura 2007


November 22, 2007 (updated) -- Marsha Skrypuch will be conducting public book presentations and signings in Regina, Saskatoon and Prince Albert for her latest release Dear Canada: Prisoners in a Promised Land -- The Ukrainian Internment Diary of Anya Soloniuk. Details

Electronic version of 2007 Driver's Handbook in Ukrainian available for viewing


October 16, 2007 -- The electronic version of the "Dovidnyk vodiia Saskachevanu 2007" is now available for viewing. It is a 4.1 MB PDF file.

Employment Opportunity in Saskatoon: Part-time Immigration Services Coordinator

May 7, 2007 -- The Ukrainian Canadian Congress -- Saskatoon Branch is seeking a person to assume the role of Part-time Immigration Services Coordinator. This position will assist the volunteer Standing Committee on Immigration with a variety of development strategies. Details

Ukrainian Adult Folk Choir
An invitation to join a group of people who, like you, like to sing!

September 11, 2006 -- Holosy -- Ukrainian Folk Choir was started to provide a recreational opportunity for adults to participate in a non-denominational adult Folk Choir that strives to learn new folk songs such as Odna Kalyna by Sophia Rotaru while keeping the many favourite songs such as Pidmanula tuned up.

The choir is lead by Audrey Bayduza, B.A. A.R.C.T. M.Mus. and while the group is small in number (15 to 20) the participants range from those who just love to sing to the very musically inclined. No matter your level of experience we hope you will join us to experience some of the benefits of singing.

Who thought you could have fun, meet people and reduce stress in your life by SINGING. If you read the story “Singing the praises of song”, Globe & Mail on December 31, 2005 you learned that, “Singing, especially in choirs, is good for the body, mind and soul, no matter what your age or ailment”. There is a lot more in the story but here are the highlights:

Choir's consequences: Reduces pain perception. Acts as pain diversion. Facilitates deeper breathing. Improves posture. Benefits heart and immune system. Promotes better sleep. Relieves asthma. Elevates energy. Increases confidence. Alleviates depression. Reduces stress. Gives a natural high. Changes attitude to positive. Improves sociability.

What: A non-denominational mixed (female/male) Ukrainian folk choir sponsored by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Saskatoon Branch.

Why: Enjoy the benefits of singing. Meet new people. Participate in a fun and relaxing activity.

Who: Any person over the age of 19 who wishes to participate in a Ukrainian choir.

When: Monday evenings 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Starting September 18, 2006.

Where: Ilarion Residence (across from All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church down from Market Mall) in the dining room, 2509 Louise Street, Saskatoon

Cost: $25. (Sept.-Dec.) Minimal fee to cover cost of conductor and music compared to other groups such as Greystone.

Director: Audrey Bayduza, B.A. A.R.C.T. M.Mus.

For more information, contact: Pat 306-382-6514

Ukraine Day Report


August 28, 2006 -- Ukraine Day was an outstanding success! The new layout, which essentially made the whole space a large beer garden, enabled organizers to count those entering the park. An unprecedented attendance of well over 10,000 was recorded! The Flying Holubtsi band did not show; however, the 6-member group "Figu z Makom" was excellent in its first public performance! All the beer was sold. Food vendors (Ukrainian organizations) sold their featured dishes at an amazing rate. One vendor experienced such demand that it sold out of product in two hours! Most vendors had adequate product, however, and experienced record profits. Planning has already started for next year.

Ukraine Day in the Park this Saturday in Saskatoon


August 25, 2006 -- Saskatchewan's only outdoor Ukrainian festival takes place tomorrow in Kiwanis Park next to the Delta Bessborough Hotel. In addition to children's activities, Ukrainian food, cultural displays, and entertainment, ceremonies will celebrate Ukraine's 15th Anniversary of independence and Saskatoon's Centennial. Details

New Ventures for 2007 Ukraine Day in the Park


August 22, 2007 -- Ukraine Day in the Park, Saskatchewan's only outdoor Ukrainian Festival, stages its 7th annual festival this Saturday, August 25th, introducing: out-of-province world-class entertainers with European concert tour experience, an 8:30 am pancake breakfast at the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, free admission for the public to the museum's galleries, buskers/entertainers in Kiwanis Park, and the Festival's own private label beer. Details

UCC-SB has moved to a new office!

August 1, 2007 -- As of August 1, 2007 the UCC-SB`s new address is:
1219 8th Street East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7H 0S5 Canada
Phone: (306) 244-8227
Fax: (306) 665-2127
E-mail: info@ucc-sb-saskatoon.ca
Web-page: http://www.ucc.sk.ca/branches/saskatoonBr.htm

Serhiy Kostyuk
Immigration Services Coordinator

Office hours (unless assisting immigrants with services out of the office):
Mon, Wed, Fri: 9 AM - 1 PM
Tue, Thu: 1 PM - 5 PM

The UCC-SB`s office is located at the same building as the Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Saskatchewan Provincial Council.

UCC Saskatoon elects new executive

March 21, 2006 -- The Annual General Meeting of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Saskatoon Branch was held March 20, 2006. The following are on the executive:

President: Slawko Kindrachuk
Past-President: Paul Bunka
Vice-President: Vacant
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Betti Lawrence

Cultural: Vacant
Media/Communications: Al Kachkowski
Archives: Yaroslaw Sywanyk
Ukraine Day in the Park Liaison: Eileen Yaworski

Al Kachkowski, Media/Communications Rep.

Shevchenko Concert March 12


February 23, 2006 -- Please mark March 12, 2:00 pm on your calendars and please support this important annual event in honour of Ukrainians' bard, national poet and visual artist, Taras Shevchenko. You will enjoy a program that will include the first public performance of UCC's choir Holosy, as well as the Dibrova choir and impressive items by the children of the Ukrainian-English bilingual program at Holy Family School. Other items are still in the planning stages. However, as always the program will be varied, educational and enjoyable!

Lvivs’ki Muzyky: direct from Lviv, Ukraine
Appearing at the Fall Frolic -- Ukrainian Harvest Festival on October 22, 2005 in Saskatoon

Please pick up your tickets Wednesday or by Thursday noon, at the latest so we have a proper count for food preparation which begins Thursday. Thank you.

October 19, 2005 -- "Lvivs’ki Muzyky” have performed on the professional stage for 18 years. The band consists of four members:

Ivan Mazur - vocal, contra bass and bass guitar
Bohdan Zhovtula - vocal, violin, guitar and percussion (bongos)
Volodymyr Kovalchuk - vocal, keyboard, accordion, flute and percussion
Taras Tymoshenko - vocal, guitar

Acclaimed as one of the best Ukrainian folk artist groups, "Lvivs’ki Muzyky" have performed on stages throughout Europe and North America. Countries visited include Ukraine, Canada, United States, Poland, Australia, England, Belgium, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Italy (including the Isle of Capri), Holland and many Eastern European countries bordering Ukraine.

The group has been to Saskatoon with concerts twice, in 1992 and 2004. This, however, is the first time they will play for a dance/zabava in Saskatoon.

Their repertoire includes traditional and contemporary songs, folk ballads, polkas, waltzes, tangos and jazz-based songs.

The band's versatility and beautiful, melodic harmonies have made them favourites wherever they have travelled, leaving their audiences with a feeling of contentment and desire for encores. Many of the venues where they have performed have requested their return not only once but numerous times. Their stage presence and interactions with the audiences leave a memorable, satisfying and "wanting more" feeling.

Admission: $35 / person by advance ticket purchase only -- limit 200
Tickets available at New Community Credit Union (306-653-1300) or by calling: 306-374-7675 and 306-244-3834

Proceeds: UCC Cultural Programming

Sponsored by: UCC-SB

A special harvest skit is being produced by renowned choreographer Serhij Koroliuk with participants from CYMK-UOY and individual members from the Pavlychenko Dance troupe. The skit represents the 19th century harvest of the last sheaves of wheat by harvesters with the ceremonial presentation to the landlords. The symbolic harvest and the crowning of the "harvest princess" is beautifully presented to the recorded music of the "Holos" Theatre of Song of Chevnivtsi, Ukraine.

The Menu
Our chef Gary Sklaruk and his helpers are preparing a special delicious harvest menu for the buffet at the Obzhynky. The dishes are as follows:

Main dishes
Cranberry chicken
Harvest meatballs and mushroom sauce
"Bukovyns'ka Nachynka" (Baked cornmeal dressing)
Traditional "varenyky" with sour cream
Bacon buckwheat casserole
Garlic mashed potatoes

New garden carrot and apple salad
Honeyed beets with garlic
Tomato and onion salad
Sauerkraut salad

Home made dill pickles

Rye bread and butter

Autumn apple platz
Creamy pineapple wheat salad

Tea & coffee

See next two articles for event details

Fall Frolic (Obzhynky -- Ukrainian Harvest Festival)

October 13, 2005 -- UCC Saskatoon is pleased to announce that the Yevshan Dancers are entertaining at the upcoming Fall Frolic -- Obzhynky Ukrainian Harvest Celebration on October 22. Yevshan's performance will follow the sumptuous (special menu) harvest buffet dinner. Following Yevshan, Lvivs'ki Muzyky, direct from Lviv, Ukraine will play for the dance which will go until 1 am. There will be a cash bar and a midnight lunch.

Please acquire your tickets now, if you have not already done so. We will require a count on Wednesday, October 19 in order to determine the food amounts in order to prepare the dinner. Scroll down for ticket information.

Don't miss out. Bring your friends. The Fall Frolic on October 22 will be an event to be long remembered!

UCC Saskatoon's Obzhynky 2005 to feature Ukraine band

August 30, 2005 (updated):

Fall Frolic Obzhynky -- Ukrainian Harvest Festival

Saturday, October 22, 2005
Ukrainian Orthodox Auditorium (919 20th St W), Saskatoon, SK

6:00pm Live music & cocktails
6:45pm Harvest skit choreographed by Serhij Koroliuk
7:00pm Unique Harvest Dinner
8:30 pm Performance by Yevshan Dancers.
9:00pm Dance to the music of “Lvivs’ki Muzyky” band, direct from Ukraine
10:30pm Draw for door prizes
11:30 Midnight lunch
1:00 Music and dancing conclude

  • Experience the excitement of a Ukrainian harvest celebration
  • Unique harvest dinner menu
  • Exciting entertainment
    • dance music by Lvivski Muzyky direct from Ukraine
    • performances
    • and much much more

Admission: $35 / person by advance ticket purchase only -- limit 200
Tickets available at New Community Credit Union (306-653-1300) or by calling: 306-374-7675 and 306-244-3834

Proceeds: UCC Cultural Programming

Sponsored by: UCC-SB

Borys Wrzesnewskyj presentation in Saskatoon April 16th


April 13, 2005 -- You are invited to an evening with Borys Wrzesnewskyj, M.P. Saturday, April 16, 2005. Details

UCC Saskatoon elects new president

March 21, 2005 -- The Annual General Meeting of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Saskatoon Branch elected its slate of officers for 2005-2006 at its meeting held March 20, 2005 as follows:

Past-President: Paul Bunka
President: Slawko Kindrachuk
Vice-President: Vacant
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Betti Lawrence

Ukraine Day Liaison: Eileen Yaworski
Culture/Education: Evelyn Wojcichowsky
Communications/Media: Al Kachkowski
Archives: Taras Bayda
Audit Committeee: Morris Korpan, Yaroslaw Sywanyk, Bill Gryba
Nominating Committee: Paul Bunka, Taras Bayda, Betti Lawrence

The annual meeting authorized the Executive to fill the vacant positions.

Al Kachkowski, Media/Communications Rep.

CTV photo
Canadian Idol contestant at [2004] Saskatoon festival

Theresa Sokyrka, Saskatoon's popular Canadian Idol hopeful, is scheduled to visit the Ukraine Day in the Park stage at 12 pm. Several dignitaries will attend with her, including possibly, the City's mayor.

Theresa will perform two songs and will then stay to sign autographs. She leaves for the airport to return to Toronto later that afternoon.

Tell your friends and acquaintances, so we can have maximum attendance and support for her Saskatoon visit to our event, which takes place in the park immediately south of the Delta Bessborough hotel.

Following Theresa's visit, twenty entertaining groups from Saskatoon, North Battleford, Prince Albert and Yorkton will entertain all afternoon. Food services, a beer garden and cultural displays will complement the stage performances.

For the first time in over four years, Voloshky will also be singing at Ukraine Day in the Park. They will be accompanied live by Carissa Klopoushak, selected outstanding graduate from the Music Department at the U of S this spring.

A special feature will be children's entertainer Maryka Chabluk of Winnipeg. A school teacher, entertainer and song writer and recording artist, she will perform for and interact with children ages 3-12. Her sessions with the children will take place at 1:15 pm and at 3:45 pm.

Please advise anyone you know that has children of eligible age. Take advantage of this opportunity that will be very enjoyable for children and parents.

Meet and greet in Saskatoon for Ukrainian immigrants

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Saskatoon Branch is holding its second annual meet and greet for new and existing Ukrainian immigrants of Saskatoon. The event takes place Sunday, August 8, 2004 starting at 2 pm at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Park.

This year will be a pot luck and all families in attendance are to bring their favourite dish. Beer will be available for sale. Great prizes, music and fun to be had.

Anyone interested in attending is to RSVP Evelyn at 306-374-7976 or Taras at 306-373-4184 by August 5. If you know someone new who has not received an invitation, call Evelyn at 374-7976.

Annual Report

May 8, 2004 — Our branch has had a busy year in 2003. We have continued to have monthly meetings. A good number of delegates attend each of our meetings. We have sponsored three major projects.

On July 20th, A Newcomer’s Picnic was held at the St. Volodymyr Park at Pike Lake. This was organized under the leadership of Taras Bayda with the help of branch delegates. Recent Ukrainian immigrants and their families were invited for a day of socializing and fun. A barbecue was held with games, swimming and entertainment provided. A major prize was drawn. Ivan Palij and his family were the winners of Deville Limousine Service to Quality Inn for a dinner and an overnight stay. They were then driven home by limousine. There were many favourable comments about the event and our guests were very appreciative.

On August 23, Ukraine Day in the Park was held at the Bessborough Park. A Moleben was sung by Catholic and Orthodox priests. A game tent was set up for children’s entertainment. There was face painting, games, a maze and clowns. It was well attended with entertainment provided by Saskatoon groups and guest appearances from other cities in the province. Barvinok from Prince Albert and Veselka from Foam Lake came to the city and provided excellent performances. From Saskatoon, the following groups performed to the delight of all patrons: Yevshan, Pavlychenko, Rushnychok, Sonia’s School of Dance, Lastiwka. Solos were also performed. Patrons enjoyed the entertainment while eating the delicious food from the food vendors and drinking at the beer tent. This event was very successful under the leadership of Slawko Kindrachuk.

On November 22, we commemorated the Seventieth Anniversary of the forced famine in Ukraine – the Holodomor. A committee under the leadership of Paul Hnenny organized a program at City Hall. Representatives of Ukrainian groups walked around City Square, carrying banners and wreaths following a black casket to recall the millions of Ukrainians who perished. A Moleben was held at the Frances Morrison Library. It was beautifully presented by the Orthodox and Catholic priests. St. George’s Cathedral Choir, under the direction of Stan Chepyha, sang the responses. A couple of videos were shown. Black coffee and black bread were served in remembrance of the famine. Beautiful posters were displayed around the room, depicting the events prior to and during the famine. During the month of November, we organized a food drive through a few churches. This was turned over to the Saskatoon Food Bank in December.

Our branch held its annual meeting on March 14, 2004 at St. George’s Club Room. At this time we had our annual elections. The New Executive is listed at the end of this report. Reports were received regarding activities from the previous year. The Cultural Committee reported on the Newcomer’s Picnic held in July, the Ukraine Day in the Park event held in August and the Commemoration of the Seventieth Anniversary of the Holodomor. The Media/Communications Committee did a lot of work in advertising these events and working behind the scenes to ensure these activities were successful. Write-ups were sent to Visnyk, Ukrainian Echo, and Ukrainian News. There had been some discussion regarding lapsed members. Suggestions were made that we need to find out why they do not attend and how to make our organization attractive to delegates. We hosted Eugene Krenosky as guest speaker at this annual meeting. He stated we are at a threshold of a new era. The Saskatoon branch has been innovative in allowing individual delegates not representing an organization. Mr. Krenosky cautioned us not to let members drift away and that we must design ways to get young people involved. UCC is all-inclusive.

2004-05 Executive elected

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Saskatoon Branch held its Annual Meeting on Sunday, March 14 and elected its executive for 2004 as follows:

President – Paul Bunka
Vice President – Vacant
Secretary – James Chrusch
Treasurer – Betti Lawrence
Audit Committee – Morris Korpan, Bill Gryba, Yaroslaw Sywanyk
Cultural/Educational Representative – Paul Hnenny
Media/Communications – Al Kachkowski
Archives – Taras Bayda
Ukraine Day liaison – Eileen Yaworski
Nominations Committee – Taras Bayda, Eileen Yaworski, Al Kachkowski


Immigrant Settlement Program



English as a Second Language Program




Contact Information

310 Lake Cres, Saskatoon, SK, S7H 3A2 Phone: 306-653-1733

President: Slawko Kindrachuk
Past President: Paul Bunka
Secretary: Audrey Langhorst
Treasurer: Larry Balion
Communication/Membership: Al Kachkowski
Members: Marlene Bodnar, Christine Chayka, Mykola Karnaukh, Bev Klimchuk, Matthew Paslawski, Lisa Sawitsky


Member Organizations

  • Bayda Kozaks
  • Bishop Filevich Catholic School Community Council
  • Boyan Ukrainian Dance Association Inc.
  • Brotherhood of Sts. Boris & Hlib (All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox)
  • Fides Club
  • League of Ukrainian Canadians
  • Musée Ukraina Museum Inc.
  • Nashi
  • New Community Credit Union
  • Pavlychenko Folklorique Ensemble
  • Rushnychok Ukrainian Folk Dance Association Inc.
  • St. George's Senior Citizens Club
  • St. Petro Mohyla Institute
  • Seniors' Organization - Sts. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church
  • Sonia's School of Dance Inc.
  • Ukrainian Canadian Professional & Business Association of Saskatoon
  • Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood – Bishop Roborecki Branch #304
  • Ukrainian Catholic Women's League (Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God)
  • Ukrainian Catholic Women's League (St. George's)
  • Ukrainian Catholic Women's League (Sts. Peter & Paul)
  • Ukrainian Museum of Canada
  • Ukrainian National Association Mykola Lysenko Branch #443
  • Ukrainian Orthodox Men's Association (TYC) Steppe Branch
  • Ukrainian Tryzub Society Inc.
  • Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada – Hanka Romanchych Branch
  • Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada – Olha Kobylianska Branch
  • University of Saskatchewan Ukrainian Students' Association
  • Vesna Festival, Inc.
  • Yevshan Ukrainian Folk Ballet Ensemble

Some of the UCC-SB representatives to the UCC-SB branch (Dec 2007).
