The Ukrainian thatched-roof
house at North Battleford's Western Development Museum was a
restoration project of the BUCCC.
Holodomor: Praying to end famines
Battleford’s Ukrainian Day Camp
For Children aged 5-11
years -- July 5-9, 2010
Program: Learning Ukrainian
Culture through games, crafts, songs, language and dance.
Location: Slawa Centre 792
108th Street, North Battleford
Contact: 306-446-0848
Sponsored by: Battlefords
Ukrainian Cultural Council
Holodomor Recognition
Torch Run in Saskatchewan: flame to visit North Battleford April
April 18, 2008 --
The International Remembance
Flame will be in North Battleford on Wednesday, April 30 at
North Battleford City Hall, 12 NOON. Hosted by the BUCCC;
contact Paul 446-0848 (daytime), Jennie 446-3731 (evening).
Canadian itinerary including details for the flame's visit
to four Saskatchewan centres: Details |
Employment Opportunity:
Summer teaching position for 1 week in North Battleford
January 24, 2008 -- The Battleford's Ukrainian
Cultural Council holds a Ukrainian Language and Culture Day Camp
every summer for children 5-11 years old... The majority of the
students do not speak Ukrainian; however, there has been a recent
immigration of Ukrainian families to the area, which may result
in some native speakers at the camp. Details
Moleben & film presentation to remember victims of Holodomor
-- Famine-Genocide in Ukraine 1932-33
Under the auspices of the BUCCC, a moleben service honouring
the victims will take place at the Slawa Centre on Saturday,
November 18 at 4:30 p.m. with celebrants Fr. Janko Kolosnjaji
and Fr. Taras Udod. A half-hour film will also be shown.
Seven million Ukrainians
were starved to death in the breadbasket of Europe
- At the same time the Soviet regime was
dumping 1.7 million tons of grain on Western markets.
- The famine was engineered by the Soviet
- It was an act of genocide designed to undermine
the social basis of Ukrainian national resistance.
- One in three children perished in the Holodomor.
- At the height of the Famine, Ukrainian
villagers were dying at the rate of:
- 17 per minute,
- 1,000 per hour,
- 25,000 per day
Battleford’s Ukrainian Day Camp
For Children aged 6-12
July 17 - 21, 2006
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. --> Daily
Program: Learning Ukrainian
Culture through games, crafts, songs, language and dance.
Location: Slawa Centre 792
108th Street, North Battleford
Cost: $65/child (Less than
Day Care)
Contact: 306-446-3731, 306-445-6411,
Sponsored by: Battlefords
Ukrainian Cultural Council
Ukrainian Canadian Congress -
Saskatchewan Provincial Council

Activity from November 2004 - February 2005
March 4, 2005 --
Membership: 25 individuals
Next meeting: March 13, 2005
Held "Freedom in Ukraine" rally
on December 7, 2004. Prayer service led by priests from both
Ukrainian parishes. Featured speakers, multimedia presentation
depicting events in Ukraine with local press in attendance.
Malanka sponsored by Svoboda Dancers was sold-out.
Freedom in Ukraine -- a review was presented
February 20, 2005 by three election observers from North Battleford,
formerly of N.B. and Saskatoon.
Meeting with Western Development Museum to
discuss installation of an automated descriptive speaker into
the Ukrainian House and the Orthodox church.
Donated $200 scholarship to Svoboda Dance
Festival Association; dance competition takes place April
Planned activities include: Taras Shevchenko
film on March 13, 2005, video nights, barbecue fundraiser
at Co-op with Ukrainian seniors, Ukrainian Day Camp July 18-22,
A community choir is starting up in April
under the direction of Marusia Kobrynsky.
Baba & Gido Dinner Theatre and Dance on April
1 & 2, 2005 is being sponsored by the Ukrainian Catholic Parish
of All Saints at North Battleford. Under the direction of
Marusia Kobrynsky.
BUCCC Ukrainian Christmas Draw
Draw date January 5, 2005. Tickets
$2 (Lottery # L04-41NB)
1st Prize: Christmas Food Hamper -- Turkey,
Ham, Kubasa, Cabbage Rolls & Pyrohy ($125 value)
2nd Prize: Rustic Willow Bird House ($50 value)
3rd Prize: Christmas Cushion ($25 value)
Contact (306) 446-0283 • e-mail |
Holodomor -- 71st Anniversary
Famine-Genocide in Ukraine 1932-33
Seven million Ukrainians
were starved to death in the breadbasket of Europe
- At the same time the Soviet regime was
dumping 1.7 million tons of grain on Western markets.
- The famine was engineered by the Soviet
- It was an act of genocide designed to undermine
the social basis of Ukrainian national resistance.
- One in three children perished in the Holodomor.
- At the height of the Famine, Ukrainian
villagers were dying at the rate of:
- 17 per minute,
- 1,000 per hour,
- 25,000 per day
-BUCCC, November 2004 |
Paul Kardynal new President of BUCCC
17, 2004 - Paul Kardynal is the new President of
the Battlefords Ukrainian Canadian Cultural Council. The former
BUCCC Vice-President takes over from Jennie Penzie; both have
actively served the community for many years. UCC-SPC welcomes
Paul, who joins the UCC-SPC Board as a Director.
Annual Report
May 8, 2004 —
- Members of the Battlefords Ukrainian Canadian Cultural Council
(BUCCC) attended the performance of Madrigaia, a female choir
from Winnipeg. This group sings multicultural songs without music
which was held November 14, 2003 in North Battleford.
- On November 26, 2003 at the Slawa Centre (Ukrainian Senior
Citizens Hall) some members of BUCCC and a couple of guests viewed
a film on Famine Genocide called “Harvest of Despair” to commemorate
the 70th Anniversary of forced famine in Ukraine. On December
7, 2003 a memorial service was held in the Ukrainian Orthodox
Church to commemorate the Famine of Ukraine.
- December 13, 2003 UCC-SPC held a Board meeting in North Battleford
at the Best Canadian Inn meeting room. Senator Raynell Andreychuk
was guest speaker at the noon luncheon. Her speech included for
support in government and she spoke on the upcoming elections
in Ukraine. Presentations from the President Walter Podiluk and
Executive Director Marie Prebushewski of Prairie Grassroots Vision
International Inc. on the update of PGVI work being done with
Pukliaki Collective Farms in agricultural reform in the Khmelnytsky
Oblast of Ukraine. PGVI currently is searching partnerships to
join them.
- Facilitator Slawko Kindrachuk from Saskatoon did a one-hour
presentation on strategic planning process.
- Dinner at “My Friend’s Place” raised quite a chuckle as it
is actually the name of a restaurant in Battleford as well as
the owner was an enjoyable host. The Mediterranean meal was very
delicious and appetizing. Board members then returned to the Meeting
Room where BUCCC hosted a Social Evening with a few guests which
included the mayor of North Battleford – His Worship Julian Sadlowski
was in attendance. Father Janko Kolosnjaji, Parish Priest of the
Ukrainian Catholic church led us in singing Ukrainian Christmas
carols. The evening concluded with coffee and lunch. Although
the weather was cold, it was an enjoyable evening.
- BUCCC donated $200 in awards to Svoboda Ukrainian Dance Festival
which was held in April 2004 and was presented by the President
Jennie Penzie to Svoboda Dancers.
- Plans are currently underway to have another BBQ at the Co-Op
Mall parking lot on June 24, 25 & 26, 2004.
- Another week-long Ukrainian Cultural Day Camp is planned for
July 26 to 30, 2004 in North Battleford at the Slawa Centre. It
is an educational and fun-filled week for children ages 6 to 12
years with two very talented instructors. It will be an enjoyable
week – believe me!
- Karen Pidskalny was in North Battleford on April 21, 2004 at
the Slawa Centre. Karen is the Project Coordinator for Saskatchewan
Ukrainian Historical Society and its founding conference, entitled
“In Baba’s Trunk.” She talked to the local Ukrainian citizens
about history that is waiting to be recorded and shared because
all too soon it may be lost forever.
- BUCCC Annual Supper meeting and a general meeting is to be
held on May 10, 2004 at Venice House Restaurant. Please attend,
bring friends, and join our membership in this worthwhile organization.
See you there!
Have a wonderful summer holiday!
The Battlefords Ukrainian Canadian Cultural Council was formed
in 1976.
The seed for the Battlefords Ukrainian Canadian Cultural Council
was sown in 1975 during a conversation between John Stratychuk,
President of the Provincial Council of the Ukrainian Canadian Committee
(UCC) and the UCC North Battleford branch President Alex Balych.
At the time, the UCC was a body formed by representatives of Ukrainian
organizations such as the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood, the Ukrainian
Self-Reliance League, the Ukrainian National Federation, Ukrainian
Veterans, League for the Liberation of Ukraine, etc. That not all
the founding Ukrainian organizations existed in North Battleford
prevented the local UCC branch from operating along constitutional
However, many people felt they should be affiliated with the highly
respected national body of the UCC, but were at a loss as to how
this could come about. The Provincial Council took steps to try
and evaluate the situation and, along with interested local people,
come up with a solution.
On August 4, 1976, at a meeting with about 125 people in the Chamber
of Commerce auditorium, John Stratychuk presented the possibility
of creating an organization of interested Ukrainians instead of
representatives from Ukrainian organizations. At a subsequent meeting
held in the auditorium of the Greek Orthodox Church on August 18,
1976, Mr. Stratychuk explained that the head office in Winnipeg
suggested that a coordinating council or multicultural committee
could be formed to represent UCC in that community. Mr. Stratychuk
proposed that a council be formed with a name to be registered with
UCC in Winnipeg and with paid-up membership fees.
A motion was made for the name of the new organization to be Battlefords
Ukrainian Canadian Co-ordinating Council.
It was further agreed to have a nominating committee comprised
of two members from each church and three members at large to pick
an Executive.
After a meeting later that month, the Nominating Committee decided
on a slate of Officers to be presented at the next general meeting
in late September. The slate of officers was presented as:
President- Pearl Balych
Vice-Pres - 1. Eugene Kucey, 2. Orest Woytiuk 3. Nestor Kowalsky
Secretary - Nancy Bobick
Treasurer - Sophia Choma
Program - Jane Lasiuk, Jennie Porochnavy, Sophia Tkatchuk
In October and November, meetings were held at the Chamber of Commerce.
John Stratychuk attended to help establish a constitution and to
alter the name to Battlefords Ukrainian Canadian Cultural Council.
The Constitution was reread, amended and given to Mr. Stratychuk
in January 1977 to take to Saskatoon to the Provincial Council to
At a general meeting on February 9, 1977 with 40 members present,
the constitution was unanimously accepted. A membership fee was
established at $5.00 per person; $10.00 per family $25.00 per organization.
The constitution was presented to UCC National on Feb. 26, 1977.
At the June 1977 Annual Meeting held at the Chamber of Commerce,
three letters read from Winnipeg, recognizing the Battlefords Ukrainian
Canadian Cultural Council as members of UCC. Funds of the former
UCC branch North Battleford were transferred to Battlefords Ukrainian
Canadian Cultural Council.
New BUCCC Executive:
President - Eugene Kucey
Vice-Pres. - 1. William Lewchuk, 2. Jean Sternig 3. Julian Sadlowski
Treasurer - Sophia Choma
Secretary (Ukrainian) - Vesper Bilokury, (English) - Nancy Bobick.
UCC Provincial Council congratulated the residents of North Battleford
for this step forward and wished them the best progress. Alex Balych
was appointed as BUCCC representative to the Provincial Executive.
1976-1977 |
President - Pearl Balych
Vice-Presidents - Eugene Kucey, Orest Woytiuk, J. Sadlowski
Secretaries (Uk. Vesper Bilokury - English, Nancy Bobick)
Treasurer - Sophie Choma
Nominating Committee - Dora Kindrachuk, Orest Woytiuk, Pearl
Audit Committee - Nick Nykiforuk, Dmytro Harasymiw, K. Malisky
Program - Jane Lasiuk, Sophie Tkatchuk, Jennie Porochnavy
Publicity - Eugene Kucey, Alex Balych
Program Structure:
The proposed program structure was to have the three Vice
Pres. assume certain facets of the Ukrainian Culture.
1. Promotions, publicity and Ways & Means
2. Committees (Kindergarten, crafts, education traditions)
3. Committees (Membership, youth, golden age, professional
a) Fundamental steps in the organization of the Cultural Council
b) Feb. 25, 26, & 27 - Delegates to Conference in Edmonton
c) March 13 - Taras Shevchenko Concert & Tea in K. of
C. Hall
d) April 5 - Paska Classes (Mistikwa College) at the Comp.
High School
e) May 13 - Bus trip to Vesna Festival in Saskatoon. |
1977-1978 |
Past President - Pearl Balych
President - Eugene Kucey
Vice-Presidents - Bill Lewchuk, Jean Sternig, Julian Sadlowski
Secretaries - (Ukrainain) - Vesper Bilokury, (English) - Nancy
Treasurer - Sophia Choma
Norninating Committee - Nick Nykiforuk, Pearl Balych, Dora
Program - Pearl Balych (liaison to the Cvoboda Dancers)
Publicity - Eugene Kucey and Alex Balych
Membership - Vesper Bilokury, Nick Nykiforuk
a) July 1- Canada Day
- Julian Sadlowski made the BUCCC banner
- Donna & Bob Kaminesky; Greg Choma & Rhea Langhorst
carried the banner
- K. Malisky put "part of Canada" on the board
at City Hall
b) July 24 - Fair Parade-Children's Float took first prize
c) July - John Kindrachuk made the well for the thatched house
at W.D.M.
d) Sept to May - Svoboda Dancers convened by Audrey Langhorst
Dan Kishchuk & Marvin Woroniuk (54 dancers)
e) Senior Citizens Organized—convened by Bill Lewchuk
f) Bandura Lessons, convened by Pearl Balych. (12 participants)
teacher Raissa Cipywnyk.
g) Cultural Show at the Art Centre (Cablevision tape by Julian
& Pearl Balych)
h) Taras Shevchenko Concert at Cairns School convened by Eugene
Kucey. |
1978-1979 |
Past President - Eugene Kucey
President - Jean Sternig
Vice-Presidents - Bill Lewchuk, Audrey Langhorst, Julian Sadlowski
Secretaries - (Ukrainian) - Vesper Kowalsky, (English) - Jennie
Treasurer - Natalie Nykiforuk
Nominating Committee - Alex Balych, Nick Nykiforuk, Dora Kindrachuk
Auditing Committee - D. Harjisymiw, Alex Balych, D. Kindrachuk
& J. Cheknita
a) March - Taras Shevchenko Program on Cable (large production)
b) March - Taras Shevchenko Program and Tea in the Senior
Citizens Centre
c) May - Bandura classes (Mistikwa College)
d) July - Float in the Fair Parade
e) August - Total immersion classes at the Greek Orthodox
f) October- Ukrainian Classes by Mr. Holota (Mistikwa College) |
1979-1980 |
Past President - Eugene Kucey
President - Jean Sternig
Vice -President - Bill Lewchuk, Audrey Langhorst, Julian Sadlowski
Secretaries - (Ukrainian) - Dora Kindrachuk (English) - Jenny
Treasurer - Gus Chomick
Norninating Committee - Katherine Malisky, Alex Balych, Audrey
Auditing Committee - Nick Nykiforuk, Eugene Kucey, Katherine
Program - Alex Balych, Audrey Langhorst, Pearl Balych, Julian
Kay Markewich
Museum - Katherine Malisky, Dora Kindrachuk, Minnie Woytiuk,
Pearl Balych Eugene Kucey, Julian Sadlowski
a) May - Dine & Dance at the Civic Centre
b) June Canada Day at the Civic Centre - large Ukrainian display
c) July - Dominion Day at the Civic Centre
d) Total immersion classes at the Greek Orthodox Church auditorium |
1980-1981 |
Past President - Eugene Kucey
President - Jean Sternig
Vice-Presidents - BiIl Lewchuk, Stella Ewanchuk, Julian Sadlowski
Secretaries - Ukrainian - Dora Kindrachuk, English - Audrey
Treasurer - Kay Markewich
Nominating Committee - Katherine Malisky, Alex Balych, Audrey
Auditing Committee - Natalie Nykiforuk, Eugene Kucey, Julia
Program - Audrey Langhorst (Liaison to the Cvoboda Dancers)
J. Sadlowski
Fred Kozakewich, Stella Ewanchuk, Alex & Pearl Balych
Museum - K. Malisky, D. Kindrachuk, M. Woytiuk, P. Balych
a) March - Taras Shevchenko Program and Tea
b) July 1- Ethnic Display at Civic Centre for Canada Day
c) July Total Emmersion Classes at the Greek Orthodox Church
Workshop - Ukrainian Cultural Experience
d) October to May - Ukrainian classes by Mr. Holota (through
Mistikwa College)
e) November - Presentations of Honorary Certificates to Senior
Citizens |
1981-1982 |
Past President - Eugene Kucey
President - Jean Sternig
Vice-Presidents - Bill Lewchuk, Stella Ewanchuk, Julian Sadlowski
Secretaries - Ukrainian - Dora Kindrachuk, English - Audrey
Treasurer - Kay Markewich
Nominating Committee - Pearl Balych, Julia Cheknita, Katherine
Auditing Committee - Joe Woytiuk, Natalie Nykiforuk, Alex
Program - Audrey Langhorst (liaison to Svoboda Dancers)
a) Taras Shevchenko Program and Tea at the Senior Citizens
1982-1983 |
Past President - Jean Sternig
President - Alex Balych
Vice-Presidents - Stella Ewanchuk, Julian Sadlowski, Fred
Secretaries - Ukrainian-Carol Dmytruk, English - Audrey Langhorst
Treasurer - Kay Markewich
Nominating Committee - Alex Balych, Nick Nykiforuk, Katherine
Program - Audrey Langhorst (liaison to the Svoboda Dancers)
Publicity - Ukrainian - Katherine Malisky, English - Pearl
Membership - Bill Lewchuk
a) Nov. 8 - Andrij Hornjatkevyc, Edmonton - "Ukrainian
Christmas Traditions"
b) March 19 - Tavria Dancers, Regina at the N.B. Comprehensive
High School
c) March 21 - Dr. Bohdan Krawchenko, Edmonton-"The Great
Famine in Ukraine"
d) May - Tour to the Vesna Festival, Saskatoon
e) May - Ukrainian Fashion Show - Ukrainian Senior Citizens
Centre |
2220 Douglas Ave North Battleford SK S9A 3M3 • (306)
446-0283 • e-mail
President: Paul Kardynal
Past President: Jennie Penzie
Secretary: Audrey Langhorst
Treasurer: Evelyn Kardynal
Auditors: Sally Mischuk & Kay Markewich |