Location: Holodomor

Saskatoon Holodomor Commemoration


December 12, 2008 -- On Saturday, November 22, members of Saskatoon’s Ukrainian community marked the 75th anniversary of the tragic Holodomor/Genocide in Ukraine. Over 100 people gathered at the Memorial Gates of the University of Saskatchewan at 2 pm and formed a procession that made its way to St. Thomas More College. UCC-SB media release

UCC Regina: Holodomor Commemorative Ceremony and Public Information Presentation

November 21, 2008 –- Holodomor: Ukrainian Famine Genocide -- 1932-33 Ukraine Remembers - the World Acknowledges. A Commemorative Ceremony and Public Information Presentation will take place Saturday, November 22nd 2:00pm at the Ukrainian National Federation Hall, 1737 St. John Street. Sponsored by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Regina Branch.

UCC Saskatoon Holodomor Commemoration

November 12, 2008 -- On November 22, 2008, the public is invited to meet at the University of Saskatchewan memorial gates (on College Avenue, in front of the University Hospital) at 2:00 p.m. From there a procession of all participants will proceed to St. Thomas More College where an interdenominational panakhyda prayer service will take place in the chapel. Following the service, at 3:00 pm a program will be held in the St. Thomas More Auditorium. The commemorative event is open to all. The general public is invited to attend. Admission is free of charge. UCC Saskatoon Media Release (PDF)

International Holodomor Awareness Week November 16-23
Ukraine Remembers -- The World Acknowledges!
On the 75th anniversary of the Famine Genocide in Ukraine 1932-33

November 3, 2008 -- Seventy five years have passed since famine raged through Ukraine eradicating the lives of millions of children, women and men from one of the world's most bountiful lands. Details

"Україна пам'ятає - Світ визнає!"
Міжнародний тиждень відмічення Голодомору -- 16-23 листопада
У 75-ту річницю ґеноциду в Україні 1932-33 років

3 листопада 2008 р. -- У 2008-ому році виповнюється 75 років з того часу, коли голодна смерть у мирний час, на найродючішій землі у світі, обірвала мільйони людських доль. Звернення Світового Конґресу Українців

UCC Regina announces school-board-approved Holodomor Writing Competition

October 29, 2008 (updated) -- (Deadline November 10) The UCC Regina Branch has been approved by the two school boards in Regina to run a writing competition in their High Schools next term on Holodomor in Ukraine. The purpose is to raise awareness of the genocide that occurred in Ukraine. Details

Holodomor book forthcoming

October 17, 2008 -- Holodomor: Reflections on the Great Famine of 1932-33 in Soviet Ukraine, edited by Lubomyr Luciuk, is being published October 31. It can be ordered now from Kashtan Press (Kingston) by completing this pre-publication order form.

OSCE Parliamentary Assembly adopts resolution on Holodomor

July 25, 2008 -- On July 3, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe overwhelmingly passed at its 17th Session in Astan, Kazakhstan a resolution on the Holodomor. Consulate General of Ukraine in Toronto Press Release

Парламентська асамблея ОБСЄ ухвалила резолюцію про Голодомор

25 липня 2008 р. -- 03 липня ц.р. в рамках 17-ї Щорічної сесії (м. Астана, 29 червня – 3 липня ц.р.) Парламентська асамблея ОБСЄ переважною більшістю голосів ухвалила резолюцію „Про Голодомор 1932-1933 років в Україні”, якою вшановується пам‘ять мільйонів українців, загиблих від штучного голоду, спланованого та втіленого тоталітарним сталінським режимом. Із Прес релізу Генерального консульства України в Торонто

Ukraine: A Musical Tribute -- Competition for Composers

March 22, 2008 (Updated July 13, 2008) -- For amateur composers on the theme of the Holodomor (famine/genocide in Ukraine 1932-33). Deadline September 30, 2008. More

Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko visits Canada

May 27, 2008 -- Fully translated transcript of yesterday's joint session of Parliament. Photo: Ukraine President Yushchenko and Holodomor survivor Stefan Horlatsch embrace. UNIAN News Service

Holodomor: International Flame visits Regina

May 21, 2008 -- A commemorative Holodomor famine-genocide program was held by the Regina branch of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress in front of the Saskatchewan Legislative Building on April 29, 2008. Story

Holodomor Memorial Act is now the law in Saskatchewan

May 15, 2008 -- Bill 40, the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide (Holodomor) Memorial Act, received Royal Assent yesterday. The Bill is an Act recognizing the Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33, or Holodomor, as genocide. Text of Bill 40 (PDF)

Holodomor: Remembrance Flame in Saskatoon

May 14, 2008 -- The International Holodomor Remembrance Flame arrived in Saskatoon on Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at a ceremony which began at 7 pm at City Hall Square in downtown Saskatoon. More than 200 people attended. Story

Saskatchewan First Province to Recognize Holodomor as Famine-Genocide

May 8, 2008 -- Yesterday afternoon the Saskatchewan Legislature passed -- through second and third readings -- Bill 40, the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide (Holodomor) Memorial Day Act and sent the Bill for assent making Saskatchewan the first province in Canada to recognize the Holodomor as genocide. Video, photo | Text of Bill 40 (PDF)

Saskatchewan Legislature Introduces Ukrainian Famine and Genocide (Holodomor) Bill for First Reading

May 7, 2008 (Updated) -- Deputy Premier and Education Minister Ken Krawetz introduced legislation in the Legislature yesterday that recognizes the people who died during the Ukrainian Famine and Genocide (Holodomor) of 1932-1933. Government of Saskatchewan News Release | Text (PDF)

Holodomor Memorial Act introduced in Sask Leg

May 6, 2008 -- Bill 40, the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide (Holodomor) Memorial Act, is being introduced (first reading) in the Saskatchewan Legislature today. Watch for details.

Holodomor: UCC Yorkton hosts International Flame

May 2, 2008 -- Preventing future genocides anywhere in the world was the theme for the entire memorial. Story

Student writing competition: deadlines -- June 30 and October 1

May 1, 2008 -- In recognition of the 75th anniversary of Ukraine’s Great Famine, the Holodomor, the educational wing of the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association has announced two separate writing competitions for Canadian students. UCCLA Media Release

Holodomor Torch in North Battleford: photos


May 1, 2008 -- BUCCC photos

Holodomor Torch in Saskatoon: photos


April 30, 2008 -- UCC Saskatoon photos

Holodomor Torch in Regina: photos


April 30, 2008 -- UCC Regina photos

Premier Brad Wall to greet Ukraine’s international famine-genocide flame at the Legislature in Regina


April 28, 2008 -- A remembrance flame is travelling the globe to raise awareness of the 75th Anniversary of the famine-genocide (known as Holodomor) in Ukraine. UCC Regina News Release

Holodomor Recognition: Keep the Flame Alive!


April 18, 2008 -- The International Holodomor Remembrance Flame will arrive in Saskatchewan on Monday, April 28 -- first stop Yorkton.
   The Flame, visiting 33 countries, arrives in Canada from Australia today to mark the 75th anniversary of the famine-genocide in Ukraine known as the Holodomor (death by starvation).

Holodomor Recognition
Torch Run in Saskatchewan: flame to visit Yorkton, Regina, Saskatoon, North Battleford


April 16, 2008 -- Canadian itinerary including details for the flame's visit to four Saskatchewan centres: Details

Holodomor Harvest of Despair -- A documentary film by Slavko Nowytski

Holodomor Recognition: Torch Run

April 8, 2008 -- On the initiative of the International Coordinating Committee Ukrainian World Congress, Ukraine's Foreign Ministry is organizing the journey of an International Remembrance Flame designed to raise awareness of the Holodomor on the occasion of the 75th anniversary. This Flame will begin its journey in Australia, travel through 33 countries and end its journey in Ukraine in November of this year. UCC National Article

Holodomor page on Ukrainian Education Portal

March 12, 2008 -- Saskatchewan's Ministry of Education Ukrainian Education Portal features a Holodomor page. Visitors can access resources in Ukrainian and English and see how this material can be linked to the curriculum.

Holodomor talk with Dr. Buyniak in Saskatoon


February 15, 2008 -- Tomorrow, Mohyla Institute is hosting a talk on Holodomor with Ukrainian historian/activist Dr. Victor Buyniak. The talk focuses on contemporary and ongoing issues of Holodomor, not just things related to the past. Dialogue in Saskatchewan on Holodomor, unlike Alberta and Manitoba, has been low. We hope you will find time to attend this event: Saturday Feb 16, 10 AM, Mohyla Institute (1240 Temperance St), Saskatoon