Location: Organization / Regina
Regina UCC Branch

Sponsors of Kyiv Pavilion at Regina's Mosaic

UCC Regina's website


Regina Ukrainian Fall Fest Celebrations a Hit!

October 31, 2010 -- Amid an unusually rainy summer, the 1st Regina Ukrainian Fall Fest was blessed with a lovely, sunny day to celebrate Ukrainian culture and its people's contributions to Canadian society. Over 2000 people attended the celebrations throughout the day, including several dignitaries and honoured guests. Full Story

Regina Welcomes First Ukrainian Fall Fest

August 30, 2010 -- September 11th will mark Regina's first outdoor Ukrainian festival as the Queen City joins other capital cities of Canada to celebrate the contributions of people of Ukrainian heritage to our society. UCC Regina's RUFF Cmte Announcement (PDF)

UCC Regina Immigrant Settlement Advisor

July 11, 2010 -- UCC Regina is pleased to announce that Olena Shyian has been hired as our Immigrant Settlement Advisor commencing July 5th, 2010. Details

UCC Regina Assisting With the 2010 Ivano-Frankivsk Program at the U of R

July 7, 2010 -- Host Families are required for 5 Ukrainian Exchange Students from Ivano-Frankivsk University, Ukraine. The students will be in Regina for about 3 months commencing September 3rd to December 1st. Details

UCC Regina Branch to Host First Ukrainian Fall Fest


May 7, 2010 -- UCC Regina Branch is hosting its first outdoor festival on Saturday, September 11, 2010. The event aims to celebrate Ukrainian culture and recognize its people's contributions to Canadian society at all levels. By providing a free event that is open to the public, the Planning Committee anticipates that relationships both among and between our Ukrainian Canadian community and the community at large will be furthered. More

Ukrainian preschool (Sadochok) in Regina

February 16, 2010 -- Regina's only Ukrainian language and culture preschool is now accepting registrations for children ages 3-5 years. No previous knowledge of Ukrainian necessary. Classes are Wednesday and Friday mornings at 1106 McNiven Avenue (Selo Gardens). Attend one or both days. Join any time. Call 541-5866 to register, or for more information visit www.sadochokregina.ca.

November 21-28 International Holodomor Remembrance Week

November 10, 2009 -- UCC - Regina Branch invites you to join community members in a Holodomor Program and Film Night it is sponsoring on November 21 at the Ukrainian National Federation Hall (1737 St. John St, Regina) at 7:30 PM. On November 28th you are also asked to light a candle in your home in memory of victims of the Holodomor and on Sunday November 29th you are invited to participate in memorial services at our churches. Poster (PDF)

Notice of Expanded English Second Language (ESL) Training

August 22, 2009 -- UCC-Regina Branch has received confirmation of support from the Government of Saskatchewan to deliver an expanded ESL Training initiative. This phase of the program will begin on September 15, 2009 and end March 31, 2010. Classes will run three times a week with evening sessions on and Thursdays Tuesdays from 7:00pm to 9:00pm and morning sessions on Saturdays from 9:00am to noon. Child minding services will be provided. More

UCC Regina Seeking Host Families for Exchange Students

July 30, 2009 -- Host families are required for 5 Ukrainian exchange students from Ivano Frankivsk, Ukraine. The students will be in Regina for about 3 months commencing September 11th.
   The students will be placed with Sask Power, Petroleum Technology Research Centre, MERA Group and Prairie Adaptive Research Collaborative. Students are able to speak English as well as Ukrainian. They receive a monthly expense allowance from the University and a Bus Pass. Each Host Family will receive approximately $600 cash plus a charity (tax) receipt in the amount of approximately $1200 for the stay period. In addition, each host family will have a cultural experience that they will value far beyond the remuneration.
   Those interested, or if you know someone who may be interested, please contact Ed Lysyk (789-6622), Tony Harras (586-6805) or Ken Mazur (789-4062). 2009 program details and students names

Ukraine Independence Day Planning

May 9, 2009 -- UCC Regina Branch is inviting anyone who would be interested to be involved in planning the celebration in Regina of the Ukraine Independence Day celebration to take place in August 2009. If you are interested, please send an email to the UCC Regina Office at uccregina@sasktel.net or call and leave a message at phone # 757-8835. If you know of someone who would be interested, you may leave their name with us as well.

Kyiv Pavilion Volunteer Recruitment

April 5, 2009 -- As host of the Kyiv Pavilion, UCC Regina Branch is actively soliciting volunteers from the local Ukrainian community for Mosaic 2009 (June 4-6). The Kyiv Pavilion requires approximately 500 volunteers during the course of Mosaic, so your assistance would greatly be appreciated. Call our volunteer coordinator Tammy at 789-3920.

Notice of Expanded English Second Language (ESL) Training

March 9, 2009 -- UCC-Regina Branch has received confirmation of support from the Government of Saskatchewan to implement an expanded ESL Training initiative. The program will begin in March 2009 and end in June 2009. Details

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Governance and Highly Effective Boards: UCC Regina Workshop

March 5, 2009 -- UCC Regina proudly presents Mr. Stan Fisher, President & CEO of Edmonton's St. Michael's Health Group, which operates with a $20 million annual budget. Workshop will deal with board manuals, board/committee roles/staff structures, effective meetings and more. Who should attend? Organizations, volunteers, dance groups, businesspeople and among others. Announcement/Details (PDF)

Kyiv Pavilion Committee Volunteers Required

February 25, 2009 -- This year's Mosaic dates June 4th 5th and 6th may seem distant, being that we are still in a cold snowy February. However pavilion meetings, both for our own KYIV pavilion and meetings with Regina Multicultural Council have already commenced. Details

Kyiv Pavilion Youth Ambassadors

February 4, 2009 -- UCC Regina Branch is still accepting applications for the Kyiv Pavilion 2009 Male Youth Ambassador. Applications for male youth between the ages of 16-23 will be accepted no later than Thursday February 5th 2009. Details

Traditional Ukrainian Minstrel Performance

February 2, 2009 (Updated February 4) -- The Ukrainian Canadian Congress -- Regina Branch is presenting "The Kobzari" in concert at Selo Gardens on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. A nominal $5 admission, to help offset expenses, will be collected at the door. Two influential performers from Ukraine, Taras Kompanichenko and Jurij Fedynskyj, will present a repertoire of epic songs, historical ballads, ritual songs, religious psalms and chants. Instruments used during the performance are the Veresai twelve-string kobza from the lute family, the hurdy-gurdy, the Cossack lute, drum, kobzar bandura drum and bassola. Taras and Jurij regularly perform together in Ukraine. Details

Kyiv Pavilion Youth Ambassadors

January 26, 2009 -- UCC Regina Branch is still accepting applications for the Kyiv Pavilion 2009 Youth Ambassadors. One male and one female will be selected. Applications for youth between the ages of 16-23 will be accepted no later than Thursday January 29th 2009. Details

UCC Regina Holodomor Writing Competition

January 20, 2009 -- The UCC Regina Branch has been approved by the two school boards in Regina to run a writing competition in their High Schools next term on Holodomor in Ukraine. The purpose is to raise awareness of the genocide that occurred in Ukraine. Details

UCC Regina: Holodomor Commemorative Ceremony and Public Information Presentation

November 21, 2008 –- Holodomor: Ukrainian Famine Genocide -- 1932-33 Ukraine Remembers - the World Acknowledges. A Commemorative Ceremony and Public Information Presentation will take place Saturday, November 22nd 2:00pm at the Ukrainian National Federation Hall, 1737 St. John Street. Sponsored by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Regina Branch.

Inaugural Festival of Ukrainian Cinema: features for adults and kids

November 5, 2008 (updated) -- UCC Regina is a sponsor of the Regina showing of the first Saskatchewan International Festival of Ukrainian Cinema, which will take place November 16 & 17 at the MacKenzie Art Gallery's Shumiatcher Theatre. More

UCC Immigration Committee request

September 22, 2008 –- UCC Regina is soliciting donations of furniture and household goods to assist Ukrainian workers and their families who are coming to Regina to make it their home. These immigrants arrive with only a couple of suitcases and can use your help:
   Required are:
• Kitchen tables and chairs, pots and pans, dishes, small appliances, cutlery and anything else needed to run a kitchen.
• Beds, dressers and lamps for bedrooms and sheets, blankets and pillows.
• Sofas, chairs, coffee and end tables, lamps and televisions and any other amenities that people are prepared to donate.
   Items that we cannot make good use of include clothing and major appliances.
   If you can help, please phone: Yars Lozowchuk: 584-1238 Ed Lysyk: 789-6622 Tony Harras: 586-6805.

UCC sponsors Zabava on the Steppes - August 22, 2008

Workshop for Ukrainian newcomers

June 27, 2008 UCC-SPC and UCC Regina are organizing and sponsoring Steps to Successful Settlement in Canada to be held in Regina on July 12. Details (PDF)

UCC National President to speak in Regina

May 28, 2008 –- The President of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Paul Grod, will be guest speaker at a brunch in Regina on June 8. Details (jpg poster)

Mosaic: Volunteers required for Kyiv pavilion

May 26, 2008 – As host of the Kyiv Pavilion, UCC Regina Branch is actively soliciting volunteers from the local Ukrainian community for Mosaic 2008 – June 5-7. The Kyiv Pavilion requires approximately 500 volunteers during the course of Mosaic, so your assistance would greatly be appreciated. Please review this document to obtain contact information on who to call to volunteer, shift times and some general volunteer information. If you do not have a specific area that you wish to work in but would like to help out, call Gwen at 584-0501 or email Gwen at owarnyca [AT] accesscomm.ca

UCC Regina announces school-board-approved Holodomor Writing Competition

May 22, 2008 -- The UCC Regina Branch has been approved by the two school boards in Regina to run a writing competition in their High Schools next term on Holodomor in Ukraine. The purpose is to raise awareness of the genocide that occurred in Ukraine. Details

Holodomor: International Flame visits Regina

May 21, 2008 -- A commemorative Holodomor famine-genocide program was held by the Regina branch of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress in front of the Saskatchewan Legislative Building on April 29, 2008. Story

Holodomor Torch in Regina: photos

April 30, 2008 -- Photos: Orest Gawdyda

Above right: Premier Brad Wall speaking

Premier Brad Wall to greet Ukraine’s international famine-genocide flame at the Legislature in Regina


April 18, 2008 -- A remembrance flame is travelling the globe to raise awareness of the 75th Anniversary of the famine-genocide (known as Holodomor) in Ukraine.
   The flame will arrive at the steps of the Legislative building at noon on Tuesday, April 29. Premier Brad Wall will be there to greet flame-bearer and Holodomor survivor, Stefan Hortlatsch, along with provincial president for the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) Ed Lysyk and local UCC president, Orest Warnyca. Deputy Premier Ken Krawetz, Leader of the Opposition Lorne Calvert and numerous MLAs will also be in attendance.
    In an effort to force Ukrainian farmers to adopt collective rather than independent farming, and to eliminate the Ukrainian nation and its aspirations for independence, Stalin’s communist regime confiscated food, animals and land from Ukrainian farmers in 1932-33. This forced starvation resulted in an estimated 10 million Ukrainians losing their lives. Ukrainians around the world are participating in a year-long commemoration of the 75th anniversary of this famine-genocide in Ukraine.
   The International Remembrance Flame began its journey in Australia this year, and will be travelling through 33 countries ending in Ukraine in November of 2008.
   For more information contact Orest Warnyca, President, Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Regina branch 584-0501

Ukraine’s International Holodomor Remembrance Flame Journey through Regina - April 29th


April 21, 2008 -- Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry has organized the journey of an International Holodomor Remembrance Flame to raise awareness of the 75th Anniversary of the Holodomor Ukrainian Famine-Genocide where approximately 10 million Ukrainians lost their lives to forced starvation by Stalin's Communist regime. This Flame began its journey in Australia and will be travelling through 33 countries ending in Ukraine in November of this year.
   The Holodomor Remembrance Flame will travel through Regina on April 29th, 2008, escorted by Holodomor survivor Mr. Stefan Horlatsch. The Ukrainian Canadian Congress --Regina Branch has planned a gathering in front of the Saskatchewan Legislative Building at noon on that day to hold a ceremony involving Mr. Horlatsch and members of Regina’s Ukrainian community.
   Our event is titled “Keep the Flame Alive” and is designed to remember the victims of the Holodomor and to ensure that the story is communicated, thereby helping to avoid similar atrocities in the future.

Holodomor Recognition
Torch Run in Saskatchewan: flame to visit Regina April 29


April 18, 2008 -- The International Remembrance Flame will be in Regina on Tuesday, April 29 at the Saskatchewan Legislative Building, 12 NOON. Hosted by UCC Regina; contact Orest at 584-0501. Premier Brad Wall, who will be among those bringing remarks, and Deputy Premier Ken Krawetz will be in attendance. Canadian itinerary including details for the flame's visit to four Saskatchewan centres: Details

Zabava on the Steppes

December 12, 2007 – UCC Regina is sponsoring "Zabava on the Steppes", a Ukraine Independence Day celebration, Friday, August 22, 2008 on the grounds of the Wildlife Federation Park. Details to be announced. Call 306-757-8835 for information.

Public commemoration of Holodomor

November 28, 2007 – UCC Regina is sponsoring a commemorative ceremony for the Holodomor Ukrainian Famine-Genocide of 1932-33 to be held Sunday, December 2nd at 2:00 pm at the Ukrainian National Federation Hall, 1737 St John Street. A public information presentation will be included in the ceremony. Please bring non-perishable food items for Regina's Food Bank.

UCC Regina co-sponsors visit of award-winning children's author to Saskatchewan: UCC-SPC's Literatoura 2007


November 22, 2007 (updated) -- Marsha Skrypuch will be conducting public book presentations and signings in Regina, Saskatoon and Prince Albert for her latest release Dear Canada: Prisoners in a Promised Land -- The Ukrainian Internment Diary of Anya Soloniuk. Details

Electronic version of 2007 Driver's Handbook in Ukrainian available for viewing


October 16, 2007 -- The electronic version of the "Dovidnyk vodiia Saskachevanu 2007" is now available for viewing. It is a 4.1 MB PDF file.

Immigration Coordinator Opportunity in Regina

September 7, 2007 – The Government of Saskatchewan (Minister Responsible for Immigration) has signed a contract with Ukrainian Canadian Congress Regina Branch to facilitate the settlement and integration of provincial nominees and their families. Part of the funding provided is to enable us to hire an Immigration Coordinator. Details

Traditional and/or White Work Ukrainian embroidery classes

September 6, 2007 --

Weekly on Wednesdays starting: September 12, 2007 to May 2008

Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Cost: $90 per person plus materials

Location: Ukrainian Canadian Congress (1-1801 Winnipeg St), Regina

Instructor: Anita Drebot

Sponsored by: Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Regina Branch

For more information or to register, please contact Anita Drebot at 306-757-1476 or UCC Regina at 306-757-8835.

Offering of classes will be subject on a sufficient number of students registering for classes.

UCC Regina assisting with U of R's Ivano-Frankivsk Program

August 7, 2007 -- The University of Regina is once again sponsoring the Canada-Ukraine Students Scientific Internship Program. To sustain the program, the University of Regina has again approached the Ukrainian-Canadian community for financial support as well as help with billeting and the development of a social/cultural program. Details

UCC Regina hosting Ukrainian Independence Day Barbecue


August 7, 2007 -- Poster/Details

UCC Regina's member organizations invited to social with Ukraine's Ambassador to Canada

May 11, 2007

All Members of Organizations under the Regina Branch of the
Ukrainian Canadian Congress

are invited to meet with His Excellency Ihor Ostash Ambassador of Ukraine in Canada at a social in the Sask. Science Centre Board Room (3rd floor) Imax Theatre Entrance 2903 Powerhouse Drive Regina, SK on Monday, May 14 7:30 p.m. R.S.V.P. by Friday, May 11th U.C.C. office (757 8835)

Multicultural Council AGM elects to its board candidate nominated by UCC

October 25, 2006 -- Katie Oleski, nominated by UCC Regina, was elected to the Regina Multicultural Council Board of Directors at last evening’s AGM. (Just over 100 people attended the meeting.)

UCC Regina sponsoring Ukraine's 15th Anniversary of Independence Family Picnic

Thursday, August 24th, 2006

Location: Saskatchewan Science Centre, 2903 Powerhouse Drive (near the Ukrainian Science Park)
Time: 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Cost: Free of Charge!!!

Come and enjoy hamburgers, hotdogs, refreshments and cake.
Enjoy music and entertainment.

All ages welcome!! Bring your children, grandchildren. (There will be games and prizes for the children.)
Don't forget your lawnchairs.

For more information, contact Sonia at 352-3704
Sponsored by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Regina Branch

UCC Regina expands Ukrainian Science Park playground


July 27, 2006 – The Ukrainian Canadian Congress -- Regina branch unveiled its latest project on May 19th: the expansion of the Ukrainian Science Park playground, located at the Saskatchewan Science Centre in Regina. Details

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Regina radio to feature Rizdvo programs this weekend

January 5, 2006 -- On Friday, January 6 at 8 PM on CKRM 620 AM radio, UCC Regina will be sending greetings during a special Ukrainian Christmas half-hour program. Then on Saturday, January 7 at 7 PM, CJTR Regina Community Radio 91.3 FM will be having a special one-hour Ukrainian Christmas show.

UCC Regina Annual General Meeting November 17, 2005

November 21, 2005 -- The Regina Branch of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress held its annual general meeting November 17, 2005 at the UCC office in the Queen City. A new executive was elected at the AGM, which was attended by 20 people, as follows:

President: Orest Warnyca
First Vice-President: Edward Lysyk
Second Vice-President: Orest Gawdyda
Treasurer: Angie Huculak
Secretary: Vera Feduschak
Directors at Large: Marie Wilson, Eugene Krenosky

Representatives from various committees presented reports: Steve Pillipow, Kyiv Pavilion Manager, on Mosaic; he also presented a report on the Science Park; UCC-SPC Vice-President Ed Lysyk on the February 12th concert marking the start of the Saskatchewan Centennial; and, UCC-SPC Director Angie Huculak on the Live Free for a Year Lottery.

The president’s report is presented below:

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Regina Branch acts as a coordinating body for its numerous member organizations. It also acts as a "spokesperson" to all levels of government for its member groups. We continue to maintain office space at the Ukrainian Cooperative building on 1801 Winnipeg Street. This space is available to member groups, upon request, for meetings and the like.

Our focus continues to be on our purpose and objectives as stated in the constitution.

Some of the activities our branch has been involved in during the past year:

Elections in Ukraine
Several members participated in the supervision of elections in Ukraine. Our branch raised funds in support of the "Orange Revolution".

Students from Ukraine
We have four students in the University of Ivano-Frankivsk program and nine students in the Canada World Youth program

An annual event at our Kyiv pavilion which is the most visible and financially rewarding

Science Park at the Science Centre
Work is being completed with the official unveiling in the spring of 2006. Soliciting of funds for the project is ongoing.

February 12th Centennial Concert
A very successful event with profits returned to our community.

Nation Builders
A bus was chartered for the banquet and program, which was held in Saskatoon.

Embroidery Class
This class operates out of our office and is coordinated by our Board.

Radio Broadcast
On CJRT every Wed. 3-4 p.m. Ukrainian music with local hosts.

Mayor's Task Force
Two of our members participated in separate programs on a task force for the future growth of our city.

Christmas Greetings
Full page in the Leader Post. Christmas carols on CKRM & CJRT.

The aim of our branch, throughout the year, was to promote our Ukrainian language and culture as noted through the various activities listed.

We are thankful that our organizations, and individuals within their organizations, work in a democratic and compatible nature for the good of our common cause. It is so gratifying to have so many enthusiastic individuals in our community working so diligently to promote our ideals.

In addition to the work that is being done within our Ukrainian community, we continue to shine in the multicultural community in Regina.

I have to thank the executive, the board and all of our member groups for a very productive year as UCC is only as strong as the members it serves.

Respectfully submitted by
Orest Warnyca, President

UCC Regina donates $50,000 to Science Centre
A Centennial Project

Submitted by Orest Warnyca

In the presence of Steve Pillipow, Ukrainian Science Park project co-chair, a cheque for $50,000 was handed over by Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Regina Branch president and project co-chair, Orest Warnyca, to Scott Langen, Executive Director of the Saskatchewan Science Centre.

The Regina Branch of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress has undertaken a centennial project to expand the existing Ukrainian Science Park at the Science Centre, that was established by the UCC-SPC.

The cost of the project, beyond $50,000, will be covered by the Science Centre. Completion date is targeted for September 2005.

Borys Wrzesnewskyj to speak to Regina's Ukrainian community April 15


April 7, 2005 -- Borys is a young MP in Parliament. He has been very vocal in pushing Parliament to deal with issues of importance to Canada's Ukrainian Community.
   He was present in Kyiv at the start of the Orange Revolution and addressed the crowd (in fluent Ukrainian) at Independence Square during the demonstrations. He pushed for Canada's involvement as observers and committed considerable personal money to that cause. He is coming to Regina to tell us about Canada's involvement in Democratic reform in Ukraine and the election process and will bring a short video to show on that topic. He will also address other issues of interest to the Ukrainian community and will answer questions.
   Please come out and meet Borys and invite all others you think may be interested!

UCC Regina's Saskatchewan Centennial celebration


The concert, "Building Saskatchewan- - Ukrainians Celebrate the Centennial," held on February 12 was well attended with over 1000 spectators enjoying the show and other attractions at the Saskatchewan Centre of the Arts in Regina. More

Building Saskatchewan: Ukrainians celebrate the centennial


On February 12, 2005, UCC Regina is sponsoring an evening of music, song and dance to celebrate Saskatchewan's Centennial. Entertainment features Regina's four dance ensembles: Chaban, Regina Ukrainian Dance Ensemble, Tavria, and Zapovit; the Regina Massed Choir; Maryna Duet (Winnipeg/Regina), Zuchkan Family Band (Parkerview) and Yevshan dancers (Saskatoon). Special guest will be Hon. Myron Kowalsky. Poster/details

To All UCC Regina Member Organizations

From: U.C.C. Regina President
December 1, 2004

The UCC Regina Branch along with some of its member organizations have contributed financially towards maintaining a democratic and corruption free election in Ukraine.

As events surrounding the election in Ukraine continue to unfold, much more support is needed.

Organizations and/or individuals that would like to support the citizens of Ukraine that are striving to maintain their democratic rights may do so by making a financial contribution through the Regina Branch of the UCC. Through our contacts these funds will then be forwarded to Ukraine to support the demonstration in the freezing streets of Kyiv.

Donations can be sent to Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Regina Branch, P.O. Box 4032, Regina Sask. S4P 3R9

A verbal commitment would be appreciated to expedite the process. This can be done by calling Jeanette at the office 306-757-8835 or myself Orest Warnyca 306-584-0501 or 306-584-1844.

Your support can make a physical and moral difference to the democratic process for all of us.

Please forward this information on to all your members and anyone else that may be interested in this cause.

Show your support of the democratic concept to the rest of the Regina Community by wearing an orange ribbon, scarf, etc. and perhaps tying an orange ribbon on to the aerial of your vehicle.

UCC Regina seeking support for Ukraine

December 1, 2004 -- The Regina branch of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress is seeking donations to help supply food and warm clothing for the demonstrators on the freezing streets of Kyiv, Ukraine.

They are asking Reginans to help the Ukrainian people in their struggle for a democratic Ukraine; one which is free of the corruption recently demonstrated by their fraudulent election process. Help is urgently needed so they ask that you donate today.

Donations can be made by:

  • Sending money to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress at Box 4032, Regina, SK S4P 3R9
  • Making a donation at the Ukrainian Co-op at 11th Ave and Winnipeg St
  • Contacting the local UCC President, Orest Warnyca at 306-584-0501

Through our contacts, 100% of the money collected will be forwarded immediately to help the demonstrators in Ukraine.

For more information contact: 306-584-0501 or 306-584-1844

Saskatchewan Centennial Celebrations

The Ukrainian community will be marking Saskatchewan's 100th birthday at celebrations organized by UCC Regina and to be held at the Centre of the Arts Saturday, February 12, 2005. Contact our office for more information.

Annual Report

May 8, 2004 — New executive elected at our annual meeting in November 2003

• Space at 1801 Winnipeg Street with 2 half days of staff time and used by various member groups

Organized “Holodomor”, recognition of the 1932-33 Forced Famine in Ukraine
• Presentations by Vera Feduschak, Ed Lysyk, and the Hon. Raynell Andreychuk

Nation Builders in Yorkton
• Organized bus excursion to Yorkton, included four students from Ukraine

• Member Dr. Tony Harras received Volunteer Award

Support Ukrainian language program at adult levels and extensive input into a revitalized Sadochok program

• Regular meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month
• An events calendar is available
• A quarterly newsletter is being initiated

Sponsored Christmas Activities
• A one-page colour advertisement along with an Executive photograph, Christmas greetings and general comments were placed in the local newspaper
• On Christmas Eve a half hour of Christmas carols were presented on a commercial radio station
• On Christmas day, an hour of Christmas carolling was presented on a community radio station

Shevchenko Concert
• An afternoon concert which featured local entertainers with refreshments

Forward Planning
• A planning session, to determine our future directions, with participants from our member organizations

• Plans are well underway for the operation of the Kyiv Pavilion during Regina’s Multicultural Festival
June 3-5

Centennial Celebration
• A major concert is being planned at the Centre of the Arts on February 12, 2005

• Participated in launch for Youth Action Now and Weyburn’s Puschenia
• Advertised in their program and presented a congeniality award at a Ukrainian Dance Festival in Regina

Finance Minister Goodale and UCC Regina welcome immigrants from Ukraine

On May 2, 2004, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Regina Branch, hosted a "Meet & Greet" event, which included many of the recent immigrants from Ukraine to Regina. Details



Contact Information

Box 4032, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4P 3R9, Canada
1-1801 Winnipeg Street
Phone: 306-757-8835 • Fax: 306-757-4075
E-mail: uccregina@sasktel.net

President: Orest Warnyca
Vice-President 1: Edward Lysyk
Vice-President 2: Orest Gawdyda
Treasurer: Angie Huculak
Secretary: Vera Feduschak
Directors at Large: Marie Wilson, Eugene Krenosky

2007 Board: Seated: Eugene Krenosky, Orest Gawdyda, Vera Feduschak, Orest Warnyca, Naomi Lee, Ed Lysyk. Standing: Donna Van Beselaere, Alex Patryluk, Kay Gawdyda, Janet Lysyk, Wayne Hydeman, Marie Wilson, Steve Pillipow, Jeanette Blakley, Ken Mazur, Tricia Kaminski


Member Organizations

  • Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood
    • St. Athanasius
    • St. Basil's
  • Ukrainian Orthodox Men's Association
  • Ukrainian National Federation
  • Ukrainian Canadian Professional and Business Club of Regina
  • Ukrainian Catholic Women's League
    • St. Athanasius
    • St. Basil's
  • Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada
  • Ukrainian Women's Organization of Canada
  • Ukrainian Society of Prosvita

Associate Members

  • Ukrainian Catholic Youth
    • St. Athanasius
    • St. Basil's
  • CYMK Ukrainian Orthodox Youth
  • Ukrainian National Youth Federation
  • Chaban Ukrainian Dance Ensemble
  • Kolos Ukrainian Dance Ensemble
  • Tavria Ukrainian Dance Ensemble
  • Zapovit Ukrainian Folk Dance Ensemble
  • Ukrainian Co-operative Association Ltd.
  • Ukrainian Senior Citizen's Club
    • St. Athanasius
    • St. Basil's
  • Selo Gardens
  • Ukrainian Senior Citizens of Regina
  • Sadochok Ukrainian Language Preschool
